proxy-observable copied to clipboard doesn't unsubscribe observable.once callback
According to the document, using
can unsubscribe a callback of observable.on
or observable.once
The off
method works fine with on
, but it doesn't work properly with once
, here is my example code:
var observable = require("proxy-observable")
const obs = observable({});
const callback = obs.once('sub', value => {
console.log('sub changed to: '+ value);
const success =;
obs.sub = '123';
console.log("is off success: "+ success);
// expect output:
// - is off success: true
// actual output:
// - sub changed to: 123
// - is off success: false
Expecting the callback
should be unsubscribed but it doesn't
I'm working on version 4.0.4
Take a quick look into the source code, I think the problem is here
once(e, fn) {
const method = (value, prev, prop) => {
fn(value, prev, prop);;
this.on(e, method);
- return fn;
+ return method;
it should be returning method
not fn