Arma-3-Survival copied to clipboard
Enemies Glitching through walls
Enemies glitch through walls despite an opening that's unaffected by any placeable structure.
How to replicate:
[find a construction site or any house that can be reinforced]
[reinforce the area with military walls leaving an opening]
Here is how I fixed it:
- SaltyDog.abramia\Functions\Build\fn_placeObject.sqf line 74 add:
[[_object], 'bulwark\solidObject.sqf'] remoteExec ['execVM', 2];
Here is the file:
- Create a folder in your mission directory and call it "bulwark". Add a file to it solidObject.sqf Your misson folder should look like SaltyDog.abramia\bulwark\solidObject.sqf
Add this code to solidObject.sqf
private ["_object","_isHeld","_loopCount","_foundAIArr","_objRadius","_nearAI","_isPlaced","_aiDir","_aiGoToPos","_safePos"];
_object = _this select 0;
_isHeld = _object getVariable "BLWK_heldObject";
_loopCount = 0;
_foundAIArr = [];
while {!(_object isEqualTo objNull) && !_isHeld} do {
if (_loopcount >= 20) then {
_loopCount = 0;
_foundAIArr = [];
_loopCount = _loopCount + 1;
_objRadius = (_object getVariable "Radius") + 1;
_nearAI = _object nearEntities _objRadius;
_isPlaced = _object getVariable "BLWK_heldObject";
if (SUICIDE_WAVE && (alive _x) && (side _x == east)) then {
_x setDamage 1;
deleteVehicle _object;
if (side _x == east && !(_x in _foundAIArr) && (alive _x)) then {
doStop _x;
_x disableAI "MOVE";
_aiDir = _object getDir _x;
_x setDir _aiDir;
_aiGoToPos = _object getRelPos [random [-10,0,-10], _aiDir];
_x setBehaviour "CARELESS";
_x setUnitPos "UP";
_x playActionNow "FastF";
_x forceSpeed 6;
_safePos = [_aiGoToPos, 0, 8, 2, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_x enableAI "MOVE";
_x doMove _safePos;
_foundAIArr pushBack _x;
} foreach _nearAI;
sleep 0.1;
All my ideas came from here: