telegram-bot-heroku-deploy copied to clipboard
Detailed guide to initially deploy a simple telegram python bot to heroku
Intial Deploy to heroku
Intially I was not able to push a simple bot to heroku, but yeah googling a lot made it work!
Very Initial Steps [NOOB Steps]
- Install Telegram :)
- Create a telegram bot by talking to Bot Father
- Install python in your computer, if you are on windows follow this
- Install git, follow this
- Install Heroku account here
- Install Heroku CLI from here
- Install editor of your choice, I preffer Atom
Step 0 [Optional]:
- Just git clone this repository and start working by editing the code
git clone cd telegram-bot-heroku-deploy
- Or follow steps below!
Step 1:
- Create your bot like we have and write any python code that is intially working on your local machine!
Step 2:
- Make a folder like telegram-bot and put in the folder
Step 3:
- Make a blank python file named
Step 4:
- Make a Procfile this should be without any extension like .txt, you can go to view -> tick file name extensions and remove any extension
worker: python
- Write this in Procfile by using notepad or any editor of your choice! Here is your python code!
Step 5:
- Now we have to make a requirements.txt through which heroku will install the dependencies to make our bot work!
- What to add in requirements.txt
- Mine looks like this:
future>=0.16.0 certifi tornado>=5.1 cryptography python-telegram-bot
Add anything which you have included in the python code!
Step 6:
- Change directory to where you have made these files
- now in git bash CLI, intialize a git
git init
Step 7:
- Now install heroku CLI
- Next
heroku login heroku create app_name
- If you have already created app then select it:
heroku git:remote -a app_name
- Or else continue:
git add -f Procfile requirements.txt
git commit -m "Added Files"
- Push files to heroku:
git push heroku master
- If it is not working then try this one:
git push heroku master --force
At this point your bot should be running, you can check by
heroku ps
If it is not running then we have to reset dynos:
heroku ps:scale worker=0
heroku ps:scale worker=1
Now it should be running fine! Enjoy :)
If you are trying to lazy which you should not! (Deploying to Heroku)
Choose App name and deploy! Follow from Step 7 and edit with your token! And finally deploy!
Want a video tutorial?
- Check It Here!