Results 111 issues of Anrimian

- play composition on library - no scroll(or triggers scroll animation)


Folders, artists, albums, genres. How to keep them?


Scroll not to top, but to thumb finger height


+ Add to title 3-dot(or 1-dot) button, on click navigate menu window to new screen(with back button and gesture navigation) + Use view pager for navigation? + Display extended composition...


+ add folder separately + on storage denied message show button to allow full storage access Media store - file association: by path similarity(like playlist item logic) and size(may be...

Save them into config db like: min/max/current frequeny + band number(?) Display on top in preset list+remove button with confirmation

feature request

* List swipe gestures * Navigation gestures * Popup menu position in equalizer presets - margin is lost(should me multiplied by two, but it breaks ltr orientation)

feature request

Create tag for each queue based on source: specific folder, playlist, etc. On action in the same source do not prepare queue but perform it in the same queue.(?) On...


Add nextCompositionSource entity and use two player implementations? - yes, and keep it enabled even when there's no enabled crossfade to keep gapless playback Implement it on MusicPlayerController: track position...

feature request