
Results 52 issues of AnrDaemon

Type: Bug Completing classes from Bootstrap will remove following markup. An example: ```html ``` -> ```html


``` 2024-02-12 13:43:29.569 [error] An error occurred when deactivating the subscriptions for extension 'bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client': 2024-02-12 13:43:29.569 [error] TypeError: Cannot read private member #e from an object whose class did not...

Type: Bug? I've stumbled upon a problem that, while understandable after investigation, could use an improvement. My setup had included the following path mappings: ```json "pathMappings": { "/home/user/project": "${workspaceFolder}", "/home/user/project/app/admin/func/":...

После пары дней с SimpleSwitcher'ом понял, что меня сильно напрягает тишина при переключении по Break… Приходится концентрироваться на экране чуть больше.

low prior

``` InvalidOperation: ~\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\AnsibleVault\0.3.0\Private\Get-VaultHeader.ps1:39:5 Line | 39 | $header = $vault_lines[0].Trim().Split(";") | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Method invocation failed because [System.Char] does not contain a method named | 'Trim'. InvalidOperation: ~\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\AnsibleVault\0.3.0\Private\Get-VaultHeader.ps1:41:5 Line |...

The actual link is

I'd like to have filebrowser point straight to Videos when called from the plugin dialog. Something analogous to `config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = '…';` of image plugin.