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after running parallelization the result is not reproducible
Thank you for this amazing package! I run the hyperparameter tuning code for xgboost and the result sometimes is reproducible and sometimes not, is this because of the reason I run parallelization? scoringFunction <- function(max_depth, min_child_weight, subsample) {
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(agaricus.train$data,label = agaricus.train$label)
Pars <- list( booster = "gbtree" , eta = 0.001 , max_depth = max_depth , min_child_weight = min_child_weight , subsample = subsample , objective = "binary:logistic" , eval_metric = "auc" )
xgbcv <- params = Pars , data = dtrain , nround = 100 , folds = Folds , early_stopping_rounds = 5 , maximize = TRUE , verbose = 0 )
return(list(Score = max(xgbcv$evaluation_log$test_auc_mean) , nrounds = xgbcv$best_iteration ) ) }
bounds <- list( max_depth = c(1L, 5L) , min_child_weight = c(0, 25) , subsample = c(0.25, 1) )
set.seed(42) library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(2) registerDoParallel(cl) clusterExport(cl,c('Folds','agaricus.train')) clusterEvalQ(cl,expr= { library(xgboost) })
set.seed(42) tWithPar <- system.time( optObj <- bayesOpt( FUN = scoringFunction , bounds = bounds , initPoints = 4 , iters.n = 4 , iters.k = 2 , parallel = TRUE ) ) stopCluster(cl) registerDoSEQ()
the code is like this, but getBestPars(optObj) get different every time when I run exactly the same code, the score summary is similar to #52, and the parameters chosen are the same but the score is different. I just wonder whether this is because of the parallelization or other reasons.
I also run the code you mentioned in #7 and the result is FALSE, but the scores summary table seems to be the same for optobj and optobj2, so I guess the reason of different results for running the same code several times is because of parallelization?
The code snippet is not runnable (not sure what the object Folds is) so I am not able to say for sure but I think the problem is with the set.seed before calling the bayesOpt. This is not sufficient since each thread has its own random number generator. This is why in #52 the person used the function clusterSetRNGStream and not set.seed().
When I just used nfold instead of folds parameter in, the result is reproducible (widh clusterSetRNGStream instead of set.seed)