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Make your life easier with these awesome resources: πŸš€ Interview Preparation, Readme Stats, Online Tools, Chrome Extensions, Portfolio Websites and many more!

🀝   Hack Your Growth   🀝

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This repo contains the curated list of super helpful resources generally for developers such as

  • repositories of sde sheets for interview preparation

  • inspiring portfolio websites

  • resources to make your GitHub profile like a pro

  • useful chrome extensions

  • readme stats to show on your profile

  • organizations to join, and many more.

:information_source: I will regularly update this repository & will only add efficient resources that will help you grow faster.

Note: I will avoid adding every resource since there are already repositories & it will just complicate the repository.

How are these organised?

To view the categories that are included, visit this link.

:information_source: If you want to add any relevant category that is not included here, create an issue with the appropriate template.


  • Welcome

  • How are these organised

  • How to Contribute

  • Resources

    • Awesome Readme Profiles
    • Interview Preparation & SDE Sheets
    • Next Level Readme
    • Online Tools & Resources
    • Readme Stats
    • CSS Tools
    • Inspiring Porfolio Websites
    • Advanced Blogs
    • Super Useful Gists
    • Chrome Extensions for Developers
    • Organization to Join
  • Creator

Awesome Readme Profiles πŸ”

  • https://eddiehubcommunity.github.io/awesome-github-profiles/profiles

    List of Awesome Readme Profiles that you can inspire you.
    GitHub Link: https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/awesome-github-profiles/tree/main/profiles

  • https://github.com/Envoy-VC

  • https://github.com/trinib/trinib

  • https://github.com/BicaBenedicto

Interview Preparation & SDE Sheets πŸ”

  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/dsa-sheet-by-love-babbar/ - DSA sheet by Love Babbar (450 Questions)

  • https://takeuforward.org/interviews/strivers-sde-sheet-top-coding-interview-problems/ - Striver SDE Sheet (31 Days)

  • https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/sde-sheet-a-complete-guide-for-sde-preparation/ - DSA sheet by Geeksforgeeks (SDE Preparation)

  • https://takeuforward.org/uncategorized/6073/#es_form_f2-n1 - Improve Graph & Dynamic Programming using structured list of Leetcode & Geeksforgeeks problems

  • https://github.com/Anmol-Baranwal/Leetcode-GFG-DS-Solutions - Leetcode & GFG Solutions most of the problems don't have explaination but you can learn from different approaches

  • https://github.com/yuvrajverma01/Data-Structures-And-Algorithms-Roadmap - DSA Roadmap

  • https://github.com/kamyu104/LeetCode-Solutions - Python / Modern C++ Solutions of All 2577 LeetCode Problems

  • https://github.com/hxu296/leetcode-company-wise-problems-2022 - Leetcode Company wise problems with solutions in C++ / Java / JavaScript

  • https://github.com/karanpratapsingh/system-design - Learn System Design (important for SDE Interviews)

  • https://levelup.gitconnected.com/amazon-software-engineer-interview-handbook-2022-fe64e7ad35a2 - Amazon Software Engineer Interview handbook 2022

Next Level Readme

  • https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet - Markdown CheatSheet for everyone

  • https://github.com/DenverCoder1/readme-typing-svg - Typing text for readme

  • https://github.com/alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile - Badges for GitHub

  • https://simpleicons.org/ - Check the availability of the badge

  • https://forthebadge.com/ - Pre-made set of helpful badges with markdown support

  • https://github.com/alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile - Badges for GitHub

  • https://github.com/alexandresanlim/Badges4-README.md-Profile - Badges for GitHub

  • https://contrib.rocks/preview - Generate an image of contributors for your Readme.md

  • https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/ - Emoji Cheat Sheet for GitHub

  • https://buttons.github.io/ - Buttons for GitHub like fork, follow...

  • https://towardsdatascience.com/enrich-your-github-profile-with-these-tips-272fa1eafe05 - GitHub readme profile guide

  • https://github.com/Anmol-Baranwal/Cool-GIFs-For-Readme - Awesome GIFs & Avatars for GitHub

  • https://github.com/lowlighter/metrics - An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 300+ options to display stats about your GitHub account

Online Tools & Resources πŸ”

  • https://colormixer.web.app/ - Color mixer tool according to color, position, impact, range, blend

  • https://getwaves.io - Make 6 different types of waves with varying flexibilty & opacity

  • https://www.blobmaker.app - Awesome Blob maker tool with various cool features & download in SVG

  • https://www.firsttimersonly.com/ - Online tool to navigate to github repositories based on different format which faciliates open-source

  • https://minhaskamal.github.io/DownGit/#/home - Download any github directory with this useful tool

  • https://readme.so/editor - Readme Editor

  • https://www.makeareadme.com/ - Readme Editor

  • https://github.com/remotion-dev/github-unwrapped-2022 - Auto Video Review of your GitHub Profile for previous year

  • https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity/LinkFree - Connect to your audience with a single link

  • https://github.com/mhxion/awesome-discord-communities - 200+ Curated List of Discord Communities

  • https://aicolors.co/ - Generate palettes from a text prompt

Readme Stats πŸ”

Type your GitHub username at Anmol-Baranwal

  • https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=Anmol-Baranwal&theme=blue-green

  • https://github-readme-streak-stats.herokuapp.com/?user=Anmol-Baranwal

  • https://github-profile-trophy.vercel.app/?username=Anmol-Baranwal

  • https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=Anmol-Baranwal

  • https://activity-graph.herokuapp.com/graph?username=Anmol-Baranwal&theme=tokyonight

  • https://api.github.com/users/anmol-baranwal

  • https://github.com/athul/waka-readme - Waka Readme

  • https://github.com/jamesgeorge007/github-activity-readme - Recent Activity

  • https://github.com/gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow - Blog Posts Workflow e.g. YouTube, Stackoverflow

  • https://github.com/tipsy/profile-summary-for-github - Profile Summary in terms of Chart e.g. Repos per Language, Commits per Language, Stars per Language

CSS Tools πŸ”

  • https://cssgradient.io - Get Linear/Radial gradient with awesome user experience within seconds

  • https://shadows.brumm.af/ - Smooth Shadow maker with so many cool features that simplify complex things

  • https://getcssscan.com/css-buttons-examples - List of 88 buttons with cool styling which can be copied with one click

  • https://getcssscan.com/css-box-shadow-examples - List of 93 box examples which can be copied with one click

Inspiring Porfolio Websites πŸ”

  • https://leerob.io/ - Lee Robinson

  • https://anuraghazra.dev/ - ANURAG HAZRA

  • https://vjy.me/ - vijay verma

  • https://shahriarshafin.github.io/ - Shahriar Shafin

  • https://jianchao-li.github.io/ - Jianchao Li

  • https://www.moro.es/ - Jorge Moreno. Moro

  • https://github.com/Evavic44/portfolio-ideas - List of portfolios for inspiration (Recommended)

  • https://github.com/emmabostian/developer-portfolios - Complete list of portfolios

Advanced Blogs πŸ”

  • https://axolo.co/blog/p/part-3-github-pull-request-template - 6 GitHub Pull Request template examples

  • https://github.com/Anmol-Baranwal/Bookmark-Brigade - Awesome Blogs worth reading especially for developers

  • https://towardsdatascience.com/enrich-your-github-profile-with-these-tips-272fa1eafe05 - GitHub readme profile guide

  • https://dev.to/novu/building-a-chat-browser-notifications-with-react-websockets-and-web-push-1h1j - Browser Notifications

  • https://css-tricks.com/converting-speech-to-pdf-with-nextjs-and-expressjs/ - Speech to Text using Next JS & Express JS

  • https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/building-chrome-extension/ - Building a Chrome extension

  • https://blog.back4app.com/heroku-alternatives/ - heroku alternatives for hosting

  • https://dev.to/waystogo/top-5-git-commands-which-will-save-your-day-13ek - Useful Git Commands

  • https://dev.to/sm0ke/next-js-themes-open-source-and-free-454f - Next JS Open Source Themes

  • https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/new-updates/here-are-5-chatgpt-based-extensions-for-chrome-to-increase-productivity/articleshow/97840002.cms?from=mdr - 5 ChatGPT based chrome extensions to increase productivity

  • https://rapidapi.com/blog/nodejs-express-rest-api-example/ - How to Build a RESTful API in Node.js (with Express.js)

  • https://dev.to/novu/building-an-interactive-screen-sharing-app-with-puppeteer-and-react-12h7 - Building an Interactive screen sharing app with puppeteer and react

  • https://dev.to/nyxtom/top-10-git-commands-everyone-should-know-57e0 - top 10 git commands everyone should know

  • https://dev.to/waystogo/10-vscode-shortcuts-to-code-faster-obl - 10 vscode shortcuts to code faster

  • https://dev.to/ixartz/nextless-js-next-js-saas-boilerplate-template-with-serverless-backend-34l5 - Next js saas biolerplate template with serverless backend

  • https://dev.to/apium_hub/migrating-react-js-project-to-next-js-391k - Migrating react js project to next js

  • https://blog.openreplay.com/build-beautiful-ui-components-with-nextui - Build beautiful ui components with NextUI

  • https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/github-super-linter/ - How to Use GitHub Super Linter in Your Projects

  • https://betterprogramming.pub/create-forms-in-react-without-stress-115e02053185 - Create Forms in React Without Stress

  • https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-optimize-nodejs-apis/ - How to Optimize Your Node.js API

  • https://blog.logrocket.com/getting-started-with-nestjs-vite-esbuild/ - Getting started with NestJS, Vite, and esbuild

  • https://dev.to/javinpaul/my-favorite-system-design-and-software-architecture-books-for-experienced-developers-2ced - My Favorite System Design and Software Architecture Books for Experienced Developers

  • https://towardsdatascience.com/using-openai-and-python-to-enhance-your-resume-a-step-by-step-guide-e2c1a359e194 - Using OpenAI and Python to Enhance Your Resume: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • https://dev.to/github/securely-store-environment-variables-with-github-codespaces-3dgc - Securely store environment variables with GitHub Codespaces

  • https://dev.to/ruppysuppy/7-libraries-you-should-know-as-a-react-developer-2ib5 - 7 Libraries You Should Know as a React Developer

  • https://madza.hashnode.dev/12-useful-react-tools-to-make-you-more-productive - 12 Useful React Tools to Make You More Productive

  • https://blog.bitsrc.io/7-useful-github-repositories-to-become-a-pro-react-developer-b2548e9e0c9e - 7 Useful GitHub Repositories to Become a Pro React Developer

  • https://blog.openreplay.com/implementing-3d-graphics-in-react - Implementing 3D Graphics In React

  • https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-modern-system-design-interview-for-engineers-managers - Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers

  • https://hamedbaatour.medium.com/build-a-real-world-beautiful-web-app-with-angular-6-a-to-z-ultimate-guide-2018-part-i-e121dd1d55e - Build A Real World Beautiful Web APP with Angular β€” A to Z Ultimate Guide β€” PART I

  • https://novu.co/blog/building-a-real-time-bidding-system-with-socket-io-and-react-native/ - Building a real-time bidding system with Socket.io and React Native

  • https://prepinsta.com/interview-preparation/hr-interview-questions/ - Most Asked HR Interview Questions And Answers

  • https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-build-a-command-line-application-with-nodejs/ - How to Build a CRUD Command Line Application With Node.js

  • https://dev.to/javinpaul/why-developers-should-learn-docker-and-kubernetes-in-2023-4hof - Why Developers Should Learn Docker and Kubernetes in 2023

  • https://www.moesif.com/blog/api-product-management/api-analytics/10-Most-Popular-Frameworks-For-Building-RESTful-APIs/ - 10 Most Popular Frameworks For Building RESTful APIs

  • https://levelup.gitconnected.com/amazon-software-engineer-interview-handbook-2022-fe64e7ad35a2 - Amazon Software Engineer Interview Handbook (2023)

  • https://www.educative.io/blog/complete-guide-to-system-design - The complete guide to System Design in 2023

  • https://kingdavvid.hashnode.dev/building-an-endless-runner-game-with-threejs-mixamo-vite-and-planetscale-part-three - Building an endless runner game with threejs, mixamo, vite, planetscale

  • https://www.joshwcomeau.com/css/interactive-guide-to-flexbox/ - Interactive guide to flexbox

  • https://www.joshwcomeau.com/animation/css-transitions/ - css transitions

  • https://dev.to/nyxtom/top-10-git-commands-everyone-should-know-57e0 - top 10 git commands

  • https://dev.to/sktanwar2014/all-online-tools-in-one-box-16m4 - all online tools in one box

  • https://dev.to/sm0ke/gatsby-themes-and-starters-8ha - Gatsby - Themes and Starters

  • https://dev.to/alrubelrana/react-gatsby-next-js-landing-page-collection-3gkd - React Gatsby Next js Landing Page Collection

  • https://api.daily.dev/r/bMFvkbgoY - A Visual Guide to useEffect - Cleanups

  • https://dev.to/sm0ke/next-js-themes-open-source-and-free-454f - Next JS Themes - Open-source and Free

  • https://dev.to/hasone/unlimited-resources-for-developer-designer-engineer-4b1n - unlimited resources for developers and designers

  • https://dev.to/novu/master-notifications-with-chatgpt-react-and-nodejs-1ea9 - Master notification with chatgpt, react, and nodejs

  • https://dev.to/anmolbaranwal/15-chatgpt-plugins-to-hack-productivity-1e8d - 15 ChatGPT plugins to hack productivity

  • https://hashnode.com/post/35-free-react-templates-and-themes-you-should-use-in-2021-cklw9iu7c022b56s1ezgz033j - 35 Free React templates and themes to use in 2021

Super Useful Gists πŸ”

  • https://gist.github.com/Anmol-Baranwal/cccf913ada8f9b0f0d178fdcf0a2d0f5 - Issue templates in yml format (Bug Issue, Contact Support, Feature Request, General)

  • https://gist.github.com/rxaviers/7360908 - Complete list of Emojis for GitHub Markup

  • https://gist.github.com/joshbuchea/6f47e86d2510bce28f8e7f42ae84c716 - Semantics for commit messages

  • https://gist.github.com/Anmol-Baranwal/d2ed032d4fa2883e84c6b5d5b46853ea - Workflow to add labels in GitHub according to JSON Data

Chrome Extensions for Developers πŸ”

  • ColorPick Eyedropper - Color picker from any online website in RGB & Hex code

  • JSON Viewer Pro - JSON data viewer with features like tree, chart, collapse

  • React Developer Tools - Adds React debugging tools to the Chrome Developer Tools

  • CodingBuddy - Displays live and upcoming Programming Contests on various platforms

  • LeetHub - Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub

  • LeetCode Video Solutions - Watch free LeetCode video β–Ά solutions on the problem page itself

  • WhatRuns - Discover what runs a website. Frameworks, Analytics Tools, Wordpress Plugins, Fonts

  • svg-grabber - A tool to quickly preview and get all the svg assets from a website

  • Font Finder - An easy-to-use font inspector to get CSS styles of the selected element

  • CSSViewer - A simple CSS property viewer.

  • actiTIME Time Tracking & Project Management - Track your hours directly from Chrome or from your favorite apps with a timer.

  • BrowserStack - Testing on 3000+ real devices and browsers. Don't compromise with emulators and simulators.

  • Session Buddy - Session managers that allows the developers to manage their tabs by saving the open tabs as collections to be restored later. It can also recover the tabs after a crash.

  • Lighthouse - Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of your web apps.

Organization to Join πŸ”

  • https://github.com/EddieHubCommunity - Members: 3.2K Top Language: JavaScript, Java

  • https://github.com/Design-and-Code - Members: 157 Top Language: C, Shell, JavaScript, TypeScript, CSS

  • https://github.com/CommunityPro - Members: 102 Top Language: JavaScript, HTML, SCSS

  • https://github.com/github-craftwork - Members: 157 Top Language: JavaScript, Python, Ruby

  • https://github.com/ZeroOctave - Members: 33 Top Language: CSS, HTML, Astro

  • https://github.com/simple-icons - Members: 9 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/30-seconds/ - Members: 2 Top Language: JavaScript, Python, PHP, CSS, React

  • https://github.com/fnplus/ - Members: 157 Top Language: JavaScript, HTML, Python, Java, C++

  • https://github.com/SurPathHub - Members: 78 Top Language: CSS, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python

  • https://github.com/cloudcommunity - Members: 187 Top Language: JavaScript, Shell, Python, HCL, C

  • https://github.com/netless-io - Members: 9 Top Language: TypeScript, JavaScript, Java, Objective-C, Swift

  • https://github.com/EpicGames - Members: 2.4k Top Language: C++, C, C#, TypeScript

  • https://github.com/mlh-fellowship - Members: 458 Top Language: JavaScript, Python, HTML, TypeScript

  • https://github.com/dreamerslab - Members: 9 Top Language: JavaScript, PHP, CSS, Ruby, Shell

  • https://github.com/w3c - Members: 381 Top Language: HTML, JavaScript, Ruby

  • https://github.com/es-shims - Members: 7 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/oftn-oswg - Members: 26 Top Language: JavaScript, Go, C, Haskell

  • https://github.com/jsx-eslint - Members: 2 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/ossf - Members: 15 Top Language: Python, Go, JavaScript, Perl

  • https://github.com/react-dates - Members: 1 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/enzymejs - Members: 1 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/inspect-js - Members: 2 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/pkgjs - Members: 22 Top Language: JavaScript, Shell, TypeScript

  • https://github.com/nvm-sh - Members: 2 Top Language: Shell

  • https://github.com/openjs-foundation - Members: 34 Top Language: JavaScript, Nunjucks

  • https://github.com/GitHub-Stars - Members: 36

  • https://github.com/octocademy - Members: 2 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/DashboardHub - Members: 6 Top Language: TypeScript, JavaScript

  • https://github.com/maintainers - Members: 336 Top Language: JavaScript

  • https://github.com/tapjs - Members: 6 Top Language: TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS

  • https://github.com/nodejs - Members: 310 Top Language: JavaScript, Shell, C++

  • https://github.com/babel - Members: 69 Top Language: TypeScript, JavaScript, Ruby

  • https://github.com/browserify - Members: 23 Top Language: TypeScript, HTML

✏ How to Contribute? πŸ”

  1. Contributions are welcome! Please take a quick look at the contributing guidelines first.

  2. Make a fork of this repository.

  3. If you want to add a Resource-

    - Link_of_the_resource - Description_of_the_Resource 
    • Make an issue with recommended template (Add New Resource) before making any change.
    • Add the working link of the resource at Link_of_the_resource
    • See examples in the section if you are confused
    • Add a concise description within 50 words about the resource.
  4. Make an issue if you wish to add any relevant category that is not listed here.

  5. Commit the changes and make a pull request.

  6. In case if you are contributing other than adding the resources, feel free to remove the pull request template.

πŸ”₯ Creator πŸ”

Anmol Baranwal

Thanks for Visiting

Please support by 🌟 this repository if it is helpful to you!!

If you have any feedback or suggestions please reach out to Project Maintainer Anmol Baranwal

Or you can create an issue where you can mention some new ideas, categories or suggestions that will enhance this repository✨.