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AWS S3 Bucket Browser Sparkline


Single HTML file to browse AWS S3 buckets




  • Just download index.html and upload it to your bucket.
    • Adjust config within index.html if needed, e.g.
      const config = {
        title: 'Bucket Browser',
        subtitle: 'made with ♥ by qoomon',
        logo: '',
        favicon: '',
        primaryColor: '#167df0',
        bucketUrl: undefined,
        // If bucketUrl is undefined, this script tries to determine bucket Rest API URL from this file location itself.
        //   This will only work for locations like these
        //   *
        //   *
        //   *
        //   *
        // If bucketUrl is set manually, ensure this is the bucket Rest API URL, e.g.
        //   *
        //   *
        //   The URL should return an XML document with <ListBucketResult> as root element.
        rootPrefix: undefined, // e.g. 'subfolder/'
        keyExcludePatterns: [/^index\.html$/],
        pageSize: 50,
        bucketMaskUrl: undefined, 
        // If bucketMaskUrl is set file urls will be changed from ${bucketUrl}/${file} to ${bucketMaskUrl}/${file}
        //   bucketMaskUrl: ''
        //     => 
        //   bucketMaskUrl: document.location.origin
        //     => ${document.location.origin}/foo/bar.txt 
        defaultOrder: 'name-asc' // (name|size|dateModified)-(asc|desc)
  • ⚠️ Ensure following Bucket Permissions
    • Go to<YOUR BUCKET NAME>/?tab=permissions
    • Grant public read permission by Access Control List or Bucket Policy
      • Access Control List
        • Enable List objects for Everyone
      • Bucket Policy
            "Version": "2012-10-17",
            "Statement": [
                    "Sid": "PublicRead",
                    "Principal": "*",
                    "Effect": "Allow",
                    "Action": [
                    "Resource": [
                        "arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR BUCKET NAME>",
                        "arn:aws:s3:::<YOUR BUCKET NAME>/*"
  • Open <YOUR BUCKET URL>/index.html in your browser.


  • ⚠️ Ensure following Bucket Permissions
    • Go to<YOUR BUCKET NAME>/?tab=permissions
    • Grant public read permission by Access Control List or Bucket Policy
      • see Self-Hosted
    • Grant Cross Origin Access by CORS Configuration
          "AllowedHeaders": [
          "AllowedMethods": [
          "AllowedOrigins": [
          "ExposeHeaders": [
          "MaxAgeSeconds": 3000
  • Open hosted index.html in your browser and provide bucket url as bucket request parameter

CloudFront Setup

If you use CloudFront in upfront of your S3 bucket ensure following CloudFront settings.

  • Allowed/Cached HTTP Methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
  • Cached Based on Selected Headers: Whitelist
    • Access-Control-Request-Headers
    • Access-Control-Request-Method
    • Origin
  • Query String Forwarding and Caching: Forward all

IBM Cloud Object Storage Setup

IBM Cloud Object storage only supports virtual host-style addressing, i.e. https://<bucket-name>s3-web.<region> for static website hosting. Otherwise follow the instructions in this tutorial to configure your bucket. In addition, you may need to configure CORS for your bucket.


A example deployment is available here.