SwiftyWebRTC copied to clipboard
Swift Framework for WebRTC
As the name suggests, this is an framework for iOS implementation of the Google WebRTC framework, it contains build in WebRTC.Framework and RTCClient (written in swift) to let you easily add video/audio call capability to your app.
This Framework provides you with a resuable wrapper written in swift (swift3) for comfortable and easy using of Google WebRTC framework and making your ios app video call enabled. WebRTC is an open-source project (libjingle_peerConnection) maintained by google with high-level API implementations for both iOS and Android. WebRTC api can be read from here. WebRTC Framework used in project has been build from here
If you want to know about the wrapper implementation that can be checked from my blog in here
Framework can be added using following to your cartfile
github "Ankit-Aggarwal/SwiftyWebRTC"
Integration RTCClient to your controller is easy.
- You need to add following two properties to your controller
var videoClient: RTCClient?
var captureController: RTCCapturer! // custom capturer that can be used to switch camera (front/back camera)
- Configure Client:
func configureVideoClient() {
// You can pass on iceServers your app wanna use
// RTCClient can be used for only audio call also where videoCall is by default
let client = RTCClient(iceServers: iceServers, videoCall: true)
client.delegate = self
self.videoClient = client
- Your controller needs to conform to RTCClientDelegate, which will help your client to interact with server for passing info
extension VideoChatViewController: RTCClientDelegate {
func rtcClient(client: RTCClient, didCreateLocalCapturer capturer: RTCCameraVideoCapturer) {
// To handle when camera is not available
if UIDevice.current.modelName != "Simulator" {
let settingsModel = RTCCapturerSettingsModel()
self.captureController = RTCCapturer.init(withCapturer: capturer, settingsModel: settingsModel)
func rtcClient(client : RTCClient, didReceiveError error: Error) {
// Error Received
func rtcClient(client : RTCClient, didGenerateIceCandidate iceCandidate: RTCIceCandidate) {
// iceCandidate generated, pass this to other user using any signal method your app uses
func rtcClient(client : RTCClient, startCallWithSdp sdp: String) {
// SDP generated, pass this to other user using any signal method your app uses
func rtcClient(client : RTCClient, didReceiveLocalVideoTrack localVideoTrack: RTCVideoTrack) {
// Use localVideoTrack generated for rendering stream to remoteVideoView
self.localVideoTrack = localVideoTrack
func rtcClient(client : RTCClient, didReceiveRemoteVideoTrack remoteVideoTrack: RTCVideoTrack) {
// Use remoteVideoTrack generated for rendering stream to remoteVideoView
self.remoteVideoTrack = remoteVideoTrack
- After setting all this, you can easily switch between front/back camera as follows
This is all you need to let the data flowing :)
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and issue pull requests. If you have any special requests and want to collaborate, please contact me directly. Thanks!
May add a example project in the repo, depending on the requests i get...