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Generate dispersable airdrops from Twitter threads.


Simple script to collect and clean Ethereum addresses and ENS names from replies to a Tweet. Inspired by punk4156 needing to airdrop thousands of addresses.

Produces batches of text files containing 100 addresses (one-per-line) per-file in the format address, tokenAmount, in /output, to use with Disperse or Multisender.


  1. Twitter API V2 access (easy to apply for at You will need a V2 API Bearer Token.
  2. Conversation ID for thread you'd like to scrape. This is the number after /status/ in a tweets direct URL. For example, 1428089265641201665 for punk4156s tweet ( Because of Twitter API limitations, the thread must be less than 7 days old.
  3. Optional: If you'd like to resolve ENS names to addresses (necessary for Disperse), an Ethereum RPC url.


# 1. Copy .env.sample to .env and fill out environment variables
# NUM_TOKENS should be how many tokens you'd like to airdrop per address
cp .env.sample .env

# 2. Install dependencies
npm install

# 3. Run script
npm run start



Most recent followers

Inspired by Cole's tweet, Tweetdrop supports scraping your latest X followers.


  • Really, none, beyond Twitter imposed timeouts (max: 30,000 followers / 15 minutes). By default, script pulls 15,000 newest followers at once.


# 1. Update only TWITTER_BEARER and TWITTER_USER (handle)
cp .env.sample .env

# 2. Install dependencies
npm install

# 3. Run followers script
npm run followers


  • follower-ids.json: List of all follower ids
  • follower-details.json: List of follower details (beyond just id: name, handle, description, followers_count, following_count, verified, created_at)