flipper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flipper copied to clipboard

Scrape ERC721 metadata, flip images, test creative permissiveness.


Allows scraping ERC721 tokens for their metadata and images, flipping images and uploading new metadata to IPFS.

Metadata retrieval:

  • Supports both IPFS and centralized metadata stores
  • Supports retrieving and storing images from IPFS and centralized sources in source quality
  • You can stop Flipper at any time and pick back up where you left off, in the future.


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Copy environment variables
cp .env.sample .env

# Edit environment variables
vim .env

# Run flipper
npm run start


A majority of Ethereum NFT metadata is stored via IPFS. While you can use a public IPFS gateway with these scripts, you will be quickly rate-limited.

As such, it is recommended to run your own local node (<1m setup time):

# Install ipfs
# Mac:
brew install ipfs
# Debian
apt install ipfs -y

# Initialize
ipfs init

# Start daemon
ipfs daemon

Or, to get a private gateway from a provider like Pinata ($20/month).

Flipped metadata is also stored on IPFS. It is recommended to use a gateway from a pinning service, so you do not lose your metadata upon killing your local daemon.

Potential expansions

  • [ ] Support retrieving metadata and images from Arweave (comply with ar:// standard)
  • [ ] Support storing flipped metadata and images on Arweave (bulk upload w/ private key)
  • [ ] Parallelize retrieval (fast enough to scrape ~10K collection in <5m with local IPFS node + erigon, but can be faster with hosted nodes)