Photon-Transport-Monte-Carlo-UWOC copied to clipboard
Channel Modelling using Monte Carlo Simulation for UWOCs
Channel Modelling for Underwater Optical Communication using Monte Carlo Simulation.
The code models underwater photon transport using the Monte Carlo simulation. The source is taken as a diveregent circular beam. Link distance and receiver aperture diamater has been varied for different readings. The scattering angles are calculated using Henyey-Greenstein Phase function. The project involves plots for Intensity vs Link distance and also the Channel Impulse Response which is the intensity received vs time of flight of photon. The detailed explanation can be found in the research papers from where I have implemented in the Reference section.
"Photon.m" is a user-defined structure for the Photons. It contains functions for updating the coordinates and direction cosines.
"Monte_carlo.m" contains all the parameters and gives the intensity for a particular link distance and aperture distance.
"MCScript.m" gives Intensity vs Link distance plot for a particluar aperture diameter.
"Hen_Green.m" returns the polar angle theta.
"Channel_Impulse_response.m" gives a plot of CIR for a particluar link distance and receiver aperture.
"Novelty.m" contains an extra addition to the mechanism. Here we consider the medium to be finite along Y-axis and model reflection of light due to TIR.
[1] Gabriel, Chadi, et al. "Channel modeling for underwater optical communication." 2011 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops (GC Wkshps). IEEE, 2011.
[2] Gabriel, Chadi, et al. "Monte-Carlo-based channel characterization for underwater optical communication systems." Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 5.1 (2013): 1-12.