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NodeJS - The Complete Guide | Maximillian | Udemy
NodeJS - The Complete Guide - Udemy Course
For Section 12 and above -
- create a file name keys.js in the same folder as app.js
- fill it with the key-value pairs like shown below
module.exports.PORT = 3000;
module.exports.SESSION_SECRET_KEY = <session_secret_key>;
module.exports.TOKEN_SECRET_KEY = <json_web_token_secret_key>;
// database
// for local server
module.exports.MONGODB_LOCAL_URI = <mongodb_database_connection_uri>;
// for mongodb atlas
module.exports.MONGODB_ATLAS_URI = <mongodb_database_connection_uri>;
// email
module.exports.EMAIL_HOST = '';
module.exports.EMAIL_PORT = 587;
module.exports.EMAIL_SECURE = false;
module.exports.ETHEREAL_USER = <ethereal_user>;
module.exports.ETHEREAL_PASS = <password>;
module.exports.EMAIL_SENDER = <sender_email_address>;