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:fast_forward: Angular 2 (and Angular 4) Bootloader for async script tag and hmr support via @AngularClass

Angular 2 Fundamentals

Angular 2 Bootloader

Angular 2 Bootloader for async script tag and hmr support

Why do I need async tag support?

Chrome V8 parses script tags with <script async> or <script defer> on a separate thread once downloading of index.html begins. Initial load of your index.html improves by up to 10%



npm install @angularclass/bootloader --save


import { bootloader } from '@angularclass/bootloader';

  // ...
export class MainModule {}

export function main() {
  return platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(MainModule);

bootloader(main); // this will bootstrap your app via main function


<script async src="app.bundle.js"></script>

If you have a vendor file you can delete it and include async tag in your one app bundle

enjoy — AngularClass

AngularClass ##AngularClass

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