We are working on 2023-2025 updates now (in reverse order, 2025 first). Quantity sets came up as an issue recently so we will be looking into that. Of course, IFC4.3...
Look at the generated IFC file. Does it contain IFCMATERIAL? Does that viewer support constituent sets?
So it sounds like this is a viewer thing?
I believe IfcMaterialConstituentSet is preferred in IFC4. IfcMaterialLayerSet is implemented in IFC4 DTV because that's not a real view, and probably when we changed it for RV, we didn't for...
Let me be clear - I _also_ prefer MaterialLayerSet. I just need to look through the history to understand why/when we decided to use ConstituentSet.
I believe this is a duplicate issue that we're already addressing but I will verify.
This is the add-in he meant. You should also be able to find it via the Autodesk Desktop Application which shows available updates
I thought this was fixed, @o-babii ?
Sorry that I jumped the gun, feel free to reopen if you find an issue.
At the moment I think @guenter1holzeder is correct and "(2), (3), ..." for _both_ IfcMaterialConstituent and IfcShapeAspect is the only possible IFC4 solution.