I had some more thoughts about this Perhaps the Thaumium Flux Condenser could draw in flux in a 3x3 chunk grid, while also keeping the whole double speed/vitium thing. Meanwhile,...
not to necro this months-old thread but i couldn't help but look at this, and i really like these concepts, as they're similar to ideas i had as well (namely,...
First thing: will the machine have 100% essentia efficiency? I think it should, because the "flux tax" dynamic of current essentia smelteries is pretty pointless and only serves to indirectly...
100% Efficiency would be amazing. I also think it would be cool that the furnace's output wouldn't be as limited by how quickly essentia can be distilled into alembics and...
I mentioned the distinction of aura to maintain / impetus to run, because the vis needed to run the furnace in TC4 was Ignis just to maintain, and Aqua/Perditio to...
If you have Optifine, try disabling animated textures. That worked for me (and it's a general FPS improvement in a lot of cases outside of that too) Big culprit I...
No I was not.
Here's the modlist my pack's using at the moment, it's all just "hey I wanna use this." honestly i'm afraid of what might be causing it
> Any ideas on how to make them better for the general case would be appreciated. Well see that suddenly made me imagine multiple "modes" for the shield, one being...