Thinking about the scope of this issue... - Probing will initiate movements on the machine that shouldn't surprise the operator, especially given the ask coming from a keypad/puck beside the...
I would like to get into UGS, and have some level of coding experience (mostly SQL, Python and a little C/C#). This 'Replacer' sounds like a good introduction... If the...
A little reading up on grep and sed, plus thinking how 'replacer' command would integrate and/or replace 'remover' command leads me to believe that replacer with a blank 'replace with'...
A further thought... If the existing JSON string 'pattern' is interpreted as grep or sed, depending on what is there, then maybe only one field is needed. If pattern contains,...
I have First Functionality written, successfully builds and runs. What I am struggling with is debugging what is happening... If I set the pattern, in preferences>UGS>Controller Options, to be "...
Brilliant - got a test script setup and debug running with breaks and watches. Nice.
Is there a trigger within the pattern processor architecture to flag that the user has edited the regexPattern and this will need to be re-compiled? It appears for now that...
Understood. I think what I have is ready for a pull request, so will do that during this evening. I have ideas for how to hop values from the original...
For Functionality Goal 2: looking at enumerating macros with getSettings().getMacros(), but need access to a backend instance. Where can I get hold of the current backend instance?
The macro expansion code is working and robust, using sed " s/regex/%macroname% " syntax and has remained a simple piece of code too. I have run into an import find...