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Music Theory Library for Java and Android apps

Music Theory

License: MIT Java Version


Java music theory library inspired by the Music Theory Library for Swift OS X and iOS apps.. I am still working on it, so it will become better eventually. Project uses Java 1.7, so you can use it in your Android projects without any problems.


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

	dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.Andy671:MusicTheory:v0.6.4'


	Note dSharpNote = new Note("D#");
	System.out.println(dSharpNote); // D#4[63]

	dSharpNote = new Note("D#", 5);
	System.out.println(dSharpNote); // D#5[75]

	Chord dSharpm7Chord = dSharpNote.chord("m7");
	System.out.println(dSharpm7Chord); // D#m7 inversion[0] {D#5[75], F#5[78], A#5[82], C#6[85]}

	Scale dSharpScale = dSharpNote.scale("minor");
	System.out.println(dSharpScale); // D# minor scale {D#5[75], E#5[77], F#5[78], G#5[80], A#5[82], B5[83], C#6[85]}

	Key cFlatMajorKey = new Key("Cb", "major");
	System.out.println(cFlatMajorKey); // Cb major key

	Chord thirdFlatDegreeAugChord = cFlatMajorKey.chord("bIII", "aug");
	System.out.println(thirdFlatDegreeAugChord); // Ebbaug inversion[0] {Ebb4[62], Gb4[66], Bb4[70]}

	System.out.println(thirdFlatDegreeAugChord); // Ebbaug inversion[1] {Bb5[82], Ebb4[62], Gb4[66]}

	System.out.println(thirdFlatDegreeAugChord); // Ebbaug inversion[1] {Ebb4[62], Gb4[66], Bb5[82]}

For more info check out JavaDoc in the source code


  • Feel free to fork the repo, make pull requests or fix existing bug
  • Feel free to open issues if you find some bug or unexpected behaviour