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🐕 Track Discord invites to know who invited who and with which invite!

Discord Invites Tracker

Track the invites in your servers to know who invited who and with which invite!


npm install @androz2091/discord-invites-tracker
# or
yarn add @androz2091/discord-invites-tracker


const Discord = require('discord.js');
const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: [Discord.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds]

const InvitesTracker = require('@androz2091/discord-invites-tracker');
const tracker = InvitesTracker.init(client, {
    fetchGuilds: true,
    fetchVanity: true,
    fetchAuditLogs: true

tracker.on('guildMemberAdd', (member, type, invite) => {

    const welcomeChannel = member.guild.channels.cache.find((ch) => ch.name === 'welcome');

    if(type === 'normal'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! You were invited by ${invite.inviter.username}!`);

    else if(type === 'vanity'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! You joined using a custom invite!`);

    else if(type === 'permissions'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! I can't figure out how you joined because I don't have the "Manage Server" permission!`);

    else if(type === 'unknown'){
        welcomeChannel.send(`Welcome ${member}! I can't figure out how you joined the server...`);



Different join types available:

  • normal - When a member joins using an invite and the package knows who invited the member (invite is available).
  • vanity - When a member joins using an invite with a custom URL (for example https://discord.gg/discord-api).
  • permissions - When a member joins but the bot doesn't have the MANAGE_GUILD permission.
  • unknown - When a member joins but the bot doesn't know how they joined.

Ignoring guilds

const InvitesTracker = require('@androz2091/discord-invites-tracker');
const tracker = InvitesTracker.init(client, {
    fetchGuilds: true,
    fetchVanity: true,
    fetchAuditLogs: true,

    // servers that contain "nude" in their name will not be processed
    exemptGuild: (guild) => guild.name.includes('nude')