serialize icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
serialize copied to clipboard

Serializers for typescript based on decorators

Serialize TS

Metadata library that created to resolve your pain with all mappers and type-checking of objects after serialization or deserialization.

Don`t use the spread operator for copying of your models because prototypes chain will be lost after it!

Getting started


  1. Add a dependency to your package.json file:

npm install serialize-ts --save or yarn add serialize-ts;

  1. Change a tsconfig.json:

    compilerOptions: {
        emitDecoratorMetadata: true,



Simple model:

class TestModel {
  id: number;

  fullName: string;

  ignoredField: any;

const model = new TestModel(); = 12;
model.fullName = "Default full name";
model.ignoredField = { customName: "test" };


/*Output -> {
    server-id: 12,
    fullName: 'Default full name'

const obj = {
  "server-id": 12,
  fullName: "Default full name",
  ignoredField: "some ignored value"

console.log(deserialize(obj, TestModel));

/*Output -> TestModel {
    id: 12,
    fullName: 'Default full name'

Nested models:

class NestedModel {
    firstField: number;
    secondField: string;

class OuterModel {
    id: number;

    nestedModel: NestedModel;

const obj = {
    id: 12,
    nestedModel: {
        firstField: 24,
        secondField: 'Some awesome string!'

const outerModel = deserialize(obj, OuterModel);

    Output -> OuterModel {
        id: 12,
        nestedModel: NestedModel {
            firstField: 24,
            secondField: "Some awesome string!"


    Output -> {
        id: 12,
        nestedModel: {
            firstField: 24,
            secondField: "Some awesome string!"


class Test {
    id: number;

    @Type(new ArraySerializer(new PrimitiveSerializer()))
    arrayOfNumbers: number[];

const obj = {
    id: 12,
    numbers: [12, 24, 36, 48]

const deserializedModel = deserialize(obj, Test);
    Output -> Test {
        id: 12,
        arrayOfNumber:  [12, 24, 36, 48]

Custom serializers:

class CustomSerializer implements Serializer<Object> {
    serialize(model: Object) {
        // Do some custom logic

    deserialize(json: Object) {
        // Do your custom logic and return deserialized object

class Model {
    id: 12;

    @Type(new CustomSerializer())
    customField: any;

If you have some troubles with serialization without serializer decorator definition, you are able to define it with @Serializer(YourCustomModel) or with some default type like Date or String. I am waiting for the issues of course!