Twitch-Chat-vs-Streamer-Lichess copied to clipboard
Install Node.js.
Download Twitch-Chat-vs-Streamer-Lichess and navigate to the folder in Terminal (Mac/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows).
npm i
. Note: if you get an error, try runningsudo npm i
on Mac/Linux or running the Command Prompt as Administrator on Windows. -
Create a file named config.js with the following data:
module.exports = {
STREAMER: "streamer", (streamer's twitch username)
STREAMER_LICHESS: "lichess", (streamer's lichess username)
AUTHORIZED_USERS: ["user1", "user2"], (twitch users allowed to use the !setvotingperiod command)
TWITCH_OAUTH: "oauth:...", (oauth token for bot's twitch account)
LICHESS_OAUTH: "...", (oauth token for bot's lichess account)
CHAT_COOLDOWN: 2000, (time in milliseconds to wait between sending messages (1-2 seconds is good) not needed if bot is vip or mod)
VOTING_PERIOD: 20, (time in seconds that chat has to vote)
ACKNOWLEDGE_VOTE: true (whether or not the twitch bot should acknowledge users' votes in chat)
(You can get the twitch oauth token here, and the lichess oauth token here)
node index.js
to start the bot. The voting page should be at localhost:3000 (will be a black screen if there aren't currently any votes). -
Challenge the lichess bot-it will automatically accept challenges from the
account and instructions will be sent to chat!
- if the bot is restarted on its turn, it doesn't reconnect
- would need to save ongoing games dictionary before it exists
- tmi.js 'join' event is called late sometimes -> message queue doesn't work at first
- [x] vote to offer draw
- [x] vote to resign
- [x] web page to put on stream that visualizes the voting process
- [ ] multiple streamers at once! shouldn't be too hard with current setup
- Update: won't work unless lichess authorizes the host ip to bypass their rate limiting
- [x] support for different initial starting positions
- [ ] support for variants with different rules (anti-chess, atomic, etc.)
- [ ] blacklist moves
- [ ] auto-reconnect when lichess is down & bot crashes
- [ ] automatically set voting period to increment? (disallows +0 games, but do we care?)
- [ ] Bug: offer/accept draw & resign % doesn't update on each vote, only updates when people vote for it