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Investigate RealityKit support
Investigate support for RealityKit. Does it make sense?
I gave a quick look into this, and it looks like RalityKit is all about face detection and plane detection, things that our framework doesn't utilize.
@Pilot-Marc I would disagree with that, do you mean Reality Composer?
I looked at the RealityKit docs when it was announced, and I don't recall seeing anything that looked relevant to this framework. I could easily have missed something(s) useful, I'm happy to be corrected.
It's just another scene graph for representing ARKit data, just like SceneKit. This framework currently relies on SceneKit for rendering but if it were decoupled then I'd expect it to be much more powerful.
Saying that RealityKit is just about face and plane detection is not really true, and should be no means for dismissal of RealityKit support in ARCL.
I stand corrected. It is more than just face detection and plane detection. Good call.
The big changes look to me to be that ARView is not related to ARSCNView, ARScene is not related to SCNScene, and Entity is not related to SCNNode. All of the delegate callbacks that we depend on for adjusting the xyz/lat-lon relationship, and for rescaling nodes, need to be redone. The logic is the same but that's a fair amount of code.
If someone wanted to sponsor that work, I think it's worthwhile. It's a non-trivial undertaking though.
Any update on this?