Andreas Turban
Andreas Turban
>It seems quite an aggressive move to reserve a method name and force libraries not to use it. I agree with that to a degree and Groovy should probably check...
> looking at the plain Groovy example, what is the purpose of prefixing the assertThat call with assert? None. It was just a sample without Spock, where AsssertJ is "violating"...
It seams that the problem has two causes. First the JUnitParamsRunner class makes its own Descriptions for methods, but the super class of JUnit BlockJUnit4ClassRunner makes different Description objects in...
Hi @tinesoft , I had the same problems with the JUnit View in Eclipse, and no good solution for it sorry. Retested today on: Eclipse Neon SR.1a (4.6.1) JUnit 4.12
It seems that nobody is maintaining the project, although it is a real helper for JUnit tests.
It would be great if that new API is also exposed to Gradle-Plugins not only Tooling API (like. IDEs). **Usecase:** I would like to implement a GradlePlugin which tracks the...
I am currently not happy with the change in `MutableExtensionRegistry`. Is there another way to get the current active `ExtensionRegistry` from a current `ExtensionContext`?
@mettyoung I am not sure if this would help you, but there is the `@spock.mock.AutoAttach` annotation, which would do the required `attach/detach` for you, when you annotate the field containing...
@kriegaex I think this is not a Spock issue it is more a Groovy 4 issue. If I strip down to sample to only use Groovy and not Spock, it...
I have created [GROOVY-11144]( for that.