trace icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
trace copied to clipboard

Creates super long stack traces

trace Build Status

Creates super long stack traces

See for examples.

Trace only works with node.js v8.x and newer. Use npm install trace@^2 for node.js v6 and v4.


npm install trace --save
node --stack_trace_limit=100 -r trace debug-me.js

This will provide a very long stack trace, if you are not interested in node internal lines, take a look at clarify.

npm install clarify --save
node --stack_trace_limit=100 -r trace -r clarify debug-me.js

For specific examples see

Found a bug?

I encourage you to file any bugs you may find, even if you can't reduce the issue to only involve nodecore modules. I will then use all my power to fix it.

I want this module to be the best and most trusted async trace module ever!