andreas-talon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
andreas-talon copied to clipboard

User scripts for Talon Voice

Andreas Talon user scripts

All the scripts in my Talon user directory. These scripts are not based upon Talon community/knausj and are therefore not always compatible with names defined in community. In constant development. Things may break!

Note If you find the scripts in this repository helpful, consider sponsoring!

Interesting features

This is a list of features that I have implemented that I think is of more interest to other Talon users. Things I have already upstreamed to Talon community are omitted. Since I don't actually use a fork of community some modifications (often different names) might be required.

  1. VSCode language definition for Talon - Supports on hover and go to definition for Talon lists, captures and actions.
  2. Custom subtitles - User customizable subtitles for Talon
    • Subtitles and notifications
  3. Command history - Improved command history with description of commands
    • Command history
  4. Analyze phrase - Analyze a Talon phrase and retrieve metadata and description of commands
    • Analyze phrase
  5. Talon Deck - Stream deck inspired interactive dashboard for Talon Voice
  6. Gamepad tester - Builtin UI for visualizing interaction with Talon gamepad() api
    • Gamepad tester
  7. Clipboard manager - Clipboard manager built in Talon
    • Clipboard manager
  8. Quick pick - UI for quick access to useful features by clicking buttons
    • Quick pick
  9. Foot switch support - Add support for scrolling, navigating and more
    • Foot switch
  10. RePhrase - Reevaluate spoken phrase after Talon context change. Can for example be used to change to another application/window and execute commands to that window in the same utterance. "focus firefox tab new"
  11. <user.text> with abbreviations, spelling and numbers - "say foo forty four brief address air bat cap bar" => foo 44 addr abc bar
  12. Smarter homophones - Talon remembers recently used homophones and automatically replaces/reuses your chosen version
  13. Lorem ipsum generator - "lorem ipsum thirty" => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
    • Lorem ipsum
  14. Imports fix - Add missing and remove unused imports for VSCode
  15. Copy command ID - Copy command ID for the selected command in the VSCode command palette
  16. Wake Talon on double pop noise - When Talon is in sleep mode a rapid double pop noise will wake Talon
