updateR copied to clipboard
Password:Error ... Argument is of length zero
When I run the updateR() function, I type my password and I get this error message both in the console and RStudio:
Updated ~/.Rprofile Password:Error in if (!compactible) stop(sprintf(e, status$latest, macOS), call. = FALSE) : argument is of length zero
And it doesn't carry on with the update. I also tried this as suggested on other material:
updateR(admin_password = "os_admin_user_password")
But I get another error:
Error in updateR(admin_password = "os_admin_user_password") : unused argument (admin_password = "os_admin_user_password")
I have the exact same problem! Any idea of how to solve it?
Do you think it could be an issue given by the macOS version (the latest Big Sur, in my case)?? Are you using Big Sur??
Yes I am using Big Sur and as a result of the update there were quite a few changes with paths and things like that to be fair, but no idea whether this is the reason
I have the same issue and am also running Big Sur! Would love to know if anyone has found a fix
I have the same issue and am also running Big Sur! Would love to know if anyone has found a fix
Same problem, also Big Sur
Edit: You can just like this comment if you have this problem w/ big sur
Also having the same problem with Big Sur
I believe it comes from the fact that sessionInfo$running = macOS 10.16
is not parsed correctly by the check_compactability() function.
This function expects a ver.major.minor syntax which should be the case for Big Sur (11.X.X
) but for some reason Apple has the osVersion variable named 10.16
currently. It might change later.
I edited the check_compactability() function likewise to fix the issue:
Original :
macOS <- sessionInfo()$running %>%
regmatches(., regexpr("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)$", .)) %>%
sub("^(.+\\.(.+)?)\\..+", "\\1", x = .) %>%
running_os <- sessionInfo()$running
macOS <- regmatches(running_os, regexpr("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.?(\\d+)?$", running_os)) %>%
sub("^(.+\\.(.+)?)\\..+", "\\1", x = .) %>%
basically made the minor upgrade number optional. The code broke further down the updateR() function so have no idea if it really fixes the issue or if it's safe to use this fix in all cases..
running_os <- sessionInfo()$running macOS <- regmatches(running_os, regexpr("(\d+)\.(\d+)\.?(\d+)?$", running_os)) %>% sub("^(.+\.(.+)?)\..+", "\1", x = .) %>% as.numeric() updateR() Enter password for mk: **** Updated ~/.Rprofile Password:Error in if (!compactible) stop(sprintf(e, status$latest, macOS), call. = FALSE) : argument is of length zero
Just tried, and failed as above shows.
I have the same mistake and the fix does not change anything
Has this error been solved yet? I came across the same situation in macOS 13.3.1 (22E261).
I'm also getting this error with macOS Ventura 13.2.1, still no solutions?
I'm also getting this error with macOS Ventura 13.2.1, still no solutions?
Same issue with macOS Ventura 13.3.1 for both m1 and Intel mac, still waiting for a solution
So am I… So is BigSur 11.3.1…
Error persists with macOS Ventura 13.4. Suggested work around did not work.
Same error (Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit), Running under: macOS Monterey 12.7.2). The fix doesn't work.
Same error. macOS Monterey 12.6 doesn't work.
Error persists on macOS Sonoma 14.3 It seems this issue has had no progress for a really long while
Same error here.
Best solution currentlly is uninstalling R, and then reinstall it using Homebrew. --> brew install r With homebrew you can easily keep R up-to-date using "brew update && brew upgrade". Headache-free for sure.
I got the same error message...
R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31) -- "Eye Holes" Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit)
So basically, @AndreaCirilloAC wrote a package and doesn't bother to maintain it or help people fix the same bloody error! Cos it's now 2024 and still the error is unresolved