Followup to https://github.com/abap2xlsx/demos/issues/6 After removing the parameter from ZDEMO_EXCEL30, could we also remove the [special leading blanks handling](https://github.com/abap2xlsx/abap2xlsx/blob/c28162d1d1e6484c41bfb898d918962d4af20696/src/zcl_excel_writer_2007.clas.abap#L4512)?
Error message: Line 176: The parameter name can be omitted only if the method has only one non-optional IMPORTING parameter or one optional IMPORTING parameter identified by "PREFERRED PARAMETER". (tested...
Trying to fix this: ``` DATA: lr_tabdescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr , lr_data TYPE REF TO data , lt_dfies TYPE ddfields , ls_dfies TYPE dfies , ls_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat ....
As [documented](https://me.sap.com/notes/3485691), this new beta version incorporates the following changes to the HTML component: - JxBrowser, the browser component used in the Html-Control, has been updated to 7.39.2. - The...
Using the web client I generated the code for [Digiseal Web](https://www.secrypt.de/en/digiseal-web_en/), with [YAML file](https://www.secrypt.de/downloads/6wb8212103bd/secrypt/digiSeal_web/latest/dsWebAPI.yaml) converted to JSON. Code for the "start authentication" method is as follows: ``` METHOD zif_interface~dswebcore_start_authenticati. DATA...