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Windows-Dotfiles copied to clipboard

This are my current windows terminal and nvim dotfiles.

Windows Dotfiles

[!WARNING] Do not run the autosetup script in your computer if you do not know what it does. When run it will install and configure everything in your computer. Git cloning for powershell and nvim is used to make it fast to update when new changes are made The following is the link to the autosetup script: DO NOT RUN WITHOUT READING WHAT THE SCRIPT DOES

Invoke-RestMethod | Invoke-Expression 

Dependencies 📃

  • Neovim >= 0.9.0 (needs to be built with LuaJIT)

  • Git >= 2.19.0 (for partial clones support)

  • Nerd Fonts >= 3.0

Contents 📦

  • Neovim Configuration

  • Powershell Configuration

  • Git Configuration

  • Windows Terminal Configuration

Windows Terminal 🖥️

--- Split ---
(ctrl + alt + down) - Split Down
(ctrl + alt + up) - Split Up
(ctrl + alt + right) - Split Right
(ctrl + alt + left) - Split Left
--- Resize ---

(alt + shift + down) - Resize Down
(alt + shift + up) - Resize Up
(alt + shift + right) - Resize Right
(alt + shift + left) - Resize Left
--- Windows ---

(ctrl + shift + w) - Close Window
(ctrl + shift + t) - New Window
(ctrl + tab) - Switch Tab
(alt + shift + right) - Switch Split right
(alt + shift + left) - Switch Split left
(alt + shift + up) - Switch Split up
(alt + shift + down) - Switch Split down
Duplicate Split Pane:

Center On Startup:

Default Size Startup:
Columns: 190
Rows: 50

Opacity Config: 80

Font Size: 9

Font 🖌️

Theme 🎭

Terminal 📟

Shell 🛡️

Setup ⚒️

Package Managers 📦
  • Python - winget install python - pip

  • Rust - winget install Rustlang.Rust.GNU - cargo

  • Scoop - irm | iex - scoop

  • NVM | NodeJS - npm

winget install CoreyButler.NVMforWindows
nvm install lts
nvm use lts
Winget - Windows Installed
  • Git - winget install Git.Git
  • Sudo & Jq - winget install gsudo jqlang.jq
  • SQLite & MySQL - winget install SQLite.SQLite
  • Neovim - winget install Neovim
  • Oh-My-Posh - winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget
  • Yarn - winget install Yarn.Yarn
  • Make - winget install GnuWin32.Make
  • Fzf - winget install fzf
  • Bat - winget install sharkdp.bat
  • LazyDocker - winget install lazydocker
  • NTop - winget install ntop
  • RipGrep - winget install BurntSushi.ripgrep.MSVC
  • LazyGit - winget install lazygit
Scoop - Needs Installation
Cargo - Needs Installation
Powershell - Powershell Installed
  • PSFzf - Install-Module -Name PSFzf
  • Posh-Git - Install-Module posh-git -Scope CurrentUser
  • Terminal-Icons - Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Repository PSGallery -Force
  • PSReadLine - Install-Module PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Force
  • Z Directory - Install-Module -Name z
NodeJS - Needs Installation
npm install -g commitizen
npm install -g cz-conventional-changelog

In Your Home Folder:
echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc

Neovim Plugins 📲

Directory Structure 🗂️


📂 $HOME/AppData/Local/Nvim
|   |__📂 plugins
|       |__📑 All Plugin Installation and Setup Files
|   |__📄bindings.lua
|   |__📄config.lua
|   |__📄debug.lua
|   |__📄lazy.lua
|   |__📄theme.lua

|   |__📄minimalNight.omp.json

Languages 🗣️

Completion, Format, Compiler, and Linter

Servers 🗃️

Winget - Windows Installed

C++ winget install clangd

Lua winget install lua-language-server

NodeJS - Needs Installation

Live-Server npm install -g live-server

Python npm install -g pyright

Typescript npm install -g typescript typescript-language-server

Tailwind CSS npm install -g tailwindcss-language-server

Dotnet - Windows Installed

C-Sharp dotnet tool install --global csharp-ls

Format Languages 📄

C++ at the setup of llvm

Pip - Needs Installation

Python pip install --upgrade autopep8

NodeJS - Needs Installation

Marksman npm install -g marksman

Typescript npm install -g prettier

Compilers And Intrepeters ⚙️

Winget - Windows Installed
  • Python - At the installation of Python Package Manager

  • Rust - At the installation of Rust Package Manager

  • C++ - winget install -i LLVM.LLVM

NodeJS - Needs Installation
  • NodeJS - At the installation of NodeJS Package Manager

Info ℹ️

Read: To visualize on vim the keybindings press F3. I also documented all my custom bindings.

Custom Mappings ⌨️

\ + f - Telescope Find Files

\ + r - Telescope Live Grep

\ + \ + \ - Telescope Buffers

\ + t - Telescope

\ + r - Telescope Resume Search

\ + w - Telescope Diagnostics

F2 - Telescope Help Tags

F3 - Telescope Keymaps

F5 - Lsp Status

F6 - Null-LS Status

Ctrl - s - Save

Ctrl - Alt - s Save All

Alt - w - Save And Quit All

Alt - q - Force Quit

Ctrl - Alt - q - Force Quit All

Alt - Up - Move Line | Block up

Alt - Down - Move Line | Block Down

Alt - Left - Move Line | Block Left

Alt - Right - Move Line | Block Right

Shift - f - Format

K - Lspsaga Hover Doc

Alt - k - Lspsaga Peek Definition

Ctrl - k - Lspsaga Go To Definition

g + d - lspsaga Finder

g + p - Lspsaga Code Actions

Ctrl - j - Lspsaga Jump Diagnostic Forward

Ctrl - Shift- j - Lspsaga Jump Diagnostic Reverse

g - l - Lspsaga Line Diagnostic

g + r - Lspsaga Rename

s + s - Horizontal Split

s + v - Vertical Split

Ctrl - Alt - k - Increase Pane Vertical

Ctrl - Alt - i - Decrease Pane Vertical

Ctrl - Alt - l - Increase Pane Horizontal

Ctrl - Alt - j - Decrease Pane Horizontal

s + k - Pane Move Up

s + j - Pane Move Down

s + h - Pane Move Left

s + l - Pane Move Right

F9 - Debugger Continue

F10 - Debugger Step Over

F11 - Debugger Step Into

F12 - Debugger Step Out

b - Debugger Breakpoint

B - Debugger Breakpoint With Conditions

l + p - Debugger Breakpoint With Log Message

d + r - Debugger Toggle

Alt - = - Open Fold All

Alt - - - Close Fold All

+ - Open Folds Selected

_ - Close Folds Selected

CTRL - / - Comment Line In Line

CTRL - Alt - / - Comment BLock

CTRL - Shift - a - Select All

CTRL - h - Open Harpoon UI

K - Save Harpoon Mark

Esc - Clear hlsearch

\p - Paste Without Deleting

\d - Delete Without Deleting

Debugging 🐞

Problem: Icons are not showing completly


Some fonts do not work well with some color themes and can cause that issue or the terminal. 
You have to try until you find the right font, switch the theme, terminal or make tweaks by yourself. Generaly fonts ending with mono work.

problem: Transparency Not Available


Check you enabled transparency in the temrinal. If you still encounter
problems then you probably have to enable it from your nvim configuration.
Dracula theme transparency is not sufficient so some tweaks are requried.
For example:
                colors = {},
                transparent_bg = true,
                show_end_of_buffer = true,
                overrides = {
                    EndOfBuffer = { fg = "#282A36" }

This will disable the background from dracula so transparency can be seen.

Problem: C-Sharp not running

Fix: You are required to create a project for it to work

Problem: Customize format


Look for the documentation to make the changes on the CLI.

For clang-format:
For prettier:

Problem: Commitizen opening editor instead of commit options


Friendly setup for commitizen globally:
npm install -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog && echo '{ "path": "cz-conventional-changelog" }' > ~/.czrc

Problem: Scoop buckets wont update


scoop config SCOOP_BRANCH master
scoop update

Problem: C++ compiler not working


When installing LLVM choose add to path.
Also be use to be using clang if you are using LLVM