A Yashwanth
A Yashwanth
@polhek I added the change to my merge request. When the widget is at bottom right or top right corner and drag is started it will change position on x...
You should set pushItems to false if you dont want the items to be moved around.
You can use ResizeObserver https://dev.to/christiankohler/how-to-use-resizeobserver-with-angular-9l5 ```ts this.options = { resizable: { enabled: true, start: this.onWidgetResizeStart.bind(this), stop: this.onWidgetResizeEnd.bind(this) }, } resizeobserver: ResizeObserver; constructor(){ this.resizeobserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { const rect...
I dont think there is but maybe you can use the coordinates of the mouse cursor to calculate it.
For me it's happening without rebooting windows 10. I just quit docker desktop yesterday and put laptop to sleep. When I start docker now I see that I got signed...
Facing same issue
> This line is the likely culprit > > https://github.com/kylon/Sharedown/blob/d083a530df86f54e27660ee2d547155e0223ff3d/preload.js#L659 I couldn't figure out how that line could be causing your repo to get deleted. As per below line, tmp...
@JulioDeL ```js options: GridsterConfig = { gridType: GridType.Fit, compactType: CompactType.None, itemChangeCallback: this.itemChangeCallback.bind(this), ..... } itemChangeCallback(item: YourDashboardItemType, itemComponent: GridsterItemComponent): void { item.x = itemComponent.$item.x; item.y = itemComponent.$item.y; item.rows = itemComponent.$item.rows; item.cols...
first update the item and then call optionsChanged function. https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-gridster2-example-iwnhhw?file=src%2Fapp%2Fgrid%2Fgrid.component.ts ```js item.x = item.x++; this.options.api.optionsChanged(); ```
@eapatel Do you have an example? Before calling options changed, check whether all the width and height of the items that you pass to the gridster are corrent. Maybe they...