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U can broadcast to 1 device now.
It is now possible to broadcast to 1 device.
Today i did find out how, i did say hey google, broadcast/announce to kitchen. than it asked what message and it announcec only there.
But on my phone i could use a text message so the default voice speaks instead of the tts from home assistant.
Can you implement this ?
just change your broadcast message to be "to kitchen the rest of your message"
how does it work?
Unfortunately, the package runs sequentially though. So while you can broadcast to one speaker, if you call those in a loop to target say 3 of them, each appears to run sequentially and takes between 3-4 seconds before moving to the next speaker. It would be nice to fork the command to execute immediately without waiting. This isn't an automation problem (I use script.turn_on and can also recreate it from simple curl GETs)
@malosaa the broadcast command isn't actually broadcasting, it's running the command "broadcast ${your message here}" so if you just change your message to "to the kitchen it's time for bed" it'll actually run "broadcast to the kitchen it's time for bed".
@calisro does google have the ability to target a specified set of speakers when using your voice? like "broadcast to kitchen and livingroom it's lunch time"?
@calisro does google have the ability to target a specified set of speakers when using your voice? like "broadcast to kitchen and livingroom it's lunch time"?
No. You can hit only one at a time with a targeted 'broadcast to
- variables:
speakers: |
{{ expand(target) | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }}
- repeat:
count: '{{ speakers | count }}'
- variables:
speaker: '{{ speakers[repeat.index - 1] }}'
- choose:
- conditions:
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ message | length > 0 }}'
- service: script.turn_on
message: >-
broadcast to {{ state_attr('' ~
speaker,'friendly_name') }},
{{message|default('Test Message',true) }}
entity_id: script.run_ga_command
I wish google would just allow broadcasts to speaker groups but that isn't available either.
@malosaa the broadcast command isn't actually broadcasting, it's running the command "broadcast ${your message here}" so if you just change your message to "to the kitchen it's time for bed" it'll actually run "broadcast to the kitchen it's time for bed".
In reality, the ga_command and the ga_broadcast is exactly the same and personally i don't even bother with the broadcast one. The command is simpler and not even sure why the second command was added only to prepend the message with 'broadcast'.
class BroadcastMessage(Resource):
def get(self):
message = request.args.get('message', default = 'This is a test!')
text_query = 'broadcast '+message
response_text, response_html = assistant.assist(text_query=text_query)
return {'status': 'OK'}
api.add_resource(BroadcastMessage, '/broadcast_message')
class Command(Resource):
def get(self):
message = request.args.get('message', default = 'This is a test!')
response_text, response_html = assistant.assist(text_query=message)
return {'status': 'OK'}
api.add_resource(Command, '/command')
To me it just adds confusion and an extra notify config in HA for zero advantage. shrugs
well they're not exactly the same because broadcast prepends the message with "broadcast". I think the idea was to make it slightly shorter e.g., /broadcast "it's time for lunch" vs /command "broadcast it's time for lunch" and you could reuse the message for other notification platforms.
well they're not exactly the same because broadcast prepends the message with "broadcast". I think the idea was to make it slightly shorter e.g., /broadcast "it's time for lunch" vs /command "broadcast it's time for lunch" and you could reuse the message for other notification platforms.
Its actually the same length. :)
The actual commands need to run each are (the doc is wrong, you need "message="):
http://[your.hassio.IP]:5000/broadcast_message?message=its time for lunch
http://[your.hassio.IP]:5000/command?message=broadcast its time for lunch
But yes I know the 'idea' but it's just confusing a simple thing. I'm guessing the broadcast was published first and then command was added and it was retained for backward compatibility as its missing in this initial commit.
I use it now for all my notifications and it works as expected