Anton Evzhakov
Anton Evzhakov
@asvinb Is there any chance that you can provide a repo that reproduces this error?
Hi @asvinb! Looks like @tsukuisan found something related
@asvinb @PierreGUI the fix is going to be released in a few minutes. Could you please check it?
Well… let's try again :) It would be cool if someone could build Linaria locally and check if the issue was fixed.
Hi @PierreGUI! The master is broken right now. We have found a problem with parallel processing that can be related to this issue as well. I'm trying to solve it...
Hi guys! I would greatly appreciate it If you could check your build with this branch All recent PRs will be released as 5.0 because the processing was almost...
Hi @GabbeV! Could you please check this branch?
Hi @GabbeV, That's amazing news! If you can create a repo that reproduces these errors, I can try to fix them as well.
Hi @therealgilles! Yep, I know. It is fixed in 5.0 that will be released soon.
It's possible, and I even made a PoC in @linaria/griffle, but it's not a priority right now. However, if someone makes a PR, I will be happy to merge it...