
Results 128 comments of Anachron

I can understand why handlebars and emberhandlebars are split. I'm little bit curious too if there should be some type of bundle helper like mimosa-scriptbundle which will be controlled by...

Helpers that treat a type of file. Like Scripts (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Javascript etc.), Styles (LESS, SASS, SCSS, CSS etc.), Templates (...) and more. It's like an abstraction layer ontop of...

Would be cool if we could pass all important qutebrowser values to an external command when they change. The stdout is then used for the statusbar, the stderr ... For...

@The-Compiler I am sorry, how can I currently style/modify the statusbar using the stdout output of a userscript? I think you may have misunderstood my suggestion.

Can you give a more clear example of whats not working? How far did you do the debugging, what did you find out?

Kinda surprised that you didn't find out yet. Session support has been outsourced since Express 4: Take a look at:

@techpines bump.

So, when will you add chaining? :)