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DiscordFreeStickers not starting when used with bd compat for discord Kernel mod
just says not started when i try to use it with bd compat for kernel even though i got yabdp4nitro fully working with it with no issues
What's kernel?
https://kernel.fish/ its a mod for discord the uses little cpu and has packages that add support for bd,powercord,cumcord,goosemod,openasar pretty much one client that supports all discord mods and uses little cpu and ram compared to the mods themselves and here's the link to their discord server https://discord.gg/8mPTjTZ4SZ
Are you using DiscordFreeStickers 1.3.1 ? Do you get any error messages in the devtools console?
i get this
Their node http polyfill is incomplete, I might try to adjust the code to fit it, if there is some repo where I can see what they have.
do you want the bd compat kernel repo or the do you want the kernel repo
I'm pretty sure this is the polyfill, it only has get/request and createServer.
It should work with the new update