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Homekit for ESP32 with Arduino framework


This is work-in-progress!

What is this

This application exposes sensors like temperature and humidity to Apple's Homekit on a ESP32. No other Bridge, like homebridge is required! It is build upon the esp-idf and uses arduino-esp32 as a component.

To expose different sensors simultaneously, a plugin system is used. A plugin can

  • expose multiple sensors like a temperature probe as Homekit accessory
  • display information on e.g. a OLED display
  • forward sensor values to e.g. a database or mqtt broker
  • be configured via a webinterface or a REST API
  • etc.

You can use multiple plugin at once.

There are several example plugins available like


Exposes a temperature, humidity and pressure sensor with EVE history support.


Exposes a temperatue and a humidity sensor with EVE history support.


View the QR code for pairing and the sensor values on an SSD1331 OLED Display.


View the QR code for pairing and the sensor values on an SSD1306 OLED Display.


Connects MiFlora Flower bluetooth devices to Homekit via Nimble. This plugin exposes a temperature, moisture, fertility and light itensity sensor with EVE history support using Nimble


Exposes multiple RC outlets as a outlet service with EVE history and schedule support.


Uploads every x seconds the values of each characteristics to an influxdb server.


Exposes the blinking buildin LED as Light to Homekit.

EVE History

Some of the plugins also support Elgato EVE histories. You can use the Elgato EVE app to view history graphs for different sensors.

Currently the following services supported EVE history

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air pressure
  • Power consumption
  • Switches

Required Versions

  • esp-idf v3.3
  • arduino-esp32 v1.0.4


The Makefile uses gfind to look for source code file for compilation. You need to install it via:

brew install findutils

Build instructions

This is a application to be used with Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF) and arduino-esp32 as a component!

Please check ESP-IDF docs for getting started and install instructions.

Espressif IoT Development Framework

Once the ESP-IDF is installed:

$ git clone https://github.com/An00bIS47/Homekit
$ cd Homekit
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ git clone https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git components/arduino-esp32
$ make menuconfig

Builder script

The builder script takes care of the build process requirements. macOS and Debian is working currently. It will do the following for you

  • Clone the esp-nimble-cpp into $IDF_PATH/components/esp-nimble-cpp
  • Take care of the component.mk file for all components
  • Create a private key and a CSR for this devices
  • Create a private and public key for truststore verification if they do not exist
  • Create an empty truststore and a truststore for this device
  • Generate a random PIN CODE and SETUP ID for Homekit
  • Generate a random proof-of-posession for BLE provisioning
  • Create QR Codes for pairing via Homekit and BLE provisioning
  • Create the correct partitions.csv for your device
  • Create the correct partition
  • Embed the private key for this device into the firmware
  • Compile the firmware
  • And print the flash command

Note: You have to define which plugins you want to use via the HAPGlobals.hpp and sign the CSR yourself!

The builder script requires the following packages:

$ sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev mbedtls python3

The builder script is located in utils/builder/ and called builder.py. To install the required packages call

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

To run the script enter the following command

$ python3 builder.py

Once it has finished successful, you can also build the firmware without creating the requirements

$ make -j8 app

Linker Errors

If you encounter errors regarding compiling the components, add a file called components.mk to the affected directory and specify where to find the source files. For example the components.mk for the SSD13XX component it would look like this:


or if the source files are located in the folder src


SDK configuration

There seems to be a bug with Enable hardware MPI (bignum) acceleration so you have to disable it when working with mbedtls srp (default)

Add (or replace) the following defines to $IDF_PATH/components/mbedtls/port/include/mbedtls/esp_config.h to fix linker errors regarding HKDF and POLY1305CHACHA20.

#define MBEDTLS_POLY1305_C

This seems to change with v4.2 of the esp-idf but it is still required for v3.3.x!

WiFi Provisioning

There are several ways to provide WiFi credentials. It uses WiFiMulti, so you can provide multiple WiFi credentials.

Currently supported methods are: * WPS (Push Button) * via WiFiCredentials.hpp or compile time FLAG * BLE Provisioning (under construction) * Access Point Provisioning (under construction) * Captive Portal (under construction)


Add the following to the end of the file src/component.mk


Compile-time FLAG

Add the following to the end of the file src/component.mk



Add the following to the end of the file src/component.mk


And add a file called WiFiCredentials.hpp in the src folder and edit the settings:

// WiFiCredentials.hpp
// Homekit
//  Created on: 
//      Author: 


#define WIFI_SSID       "SSID"


Once configured and online, you can add additional networks via the REST API.


under construction

Access Point Provisioning

under construction

Captive Portal

under construction

Working example

Add the following at end of the file src/component.mk


This will expose one Light Bulb Accessory for the buildin LED and an accessory with temperature, relative humidity and air pressure sensor, complete with EVE history support.


Have a look at the file src/HAP/HAPGlobals.hpp in order to change the compile time configuration to your needs. There you can also enable the plugins you want to include in the build.

Once compiled and running, you can also configure the device via the webinterface or REST API as described below.


To reset the configuration and remove all pairing data, you can use the following command

make erase_flash

or use the REST API.

Webinterface and API

Access to the Webinterface and API

Two possible groups of users are available:

  • admin: Users of this group have access to the webinterface with all admin options
  • api: Users of this group have access to the api only without admin options

The default username for admin access is admin with the password secret. The default username for (only!) access to the api is api with the password test.

You edit one user of each group in the HAPGlobals.hpp file:



You can add/change/remove multiple users via the REST interface.


The Webserver uses by default HTTPS.

You can disable HTTPS and use HTTP if you edit the HAPGlobals.hpp file:

#define HAP_WEBSERVER_USE_SSL		0		// use SSL for WebServer 
											// Default: 1

Server Certificates

HTTPS requires to create your own certificates. You can create your own certificate and keys. Please have a look here how to do this.

The certificate and keys are specified in the component.mk file in the src folder. Change it to your needs.

COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES := $(PROJECT_PATH)/certs/server_cert.der
COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES += $(PROJECT_PATH)/certs/server_privatekey.der
COMPONENT_EMBED_FILES += $(PROJECT_PATH)/certs/server_publickey.der

HTML Template

The webserver uses a template for the webpages stored here www/index.html.


SPIFFS is currently only supported for 16MB partitions or you create your own partition table.

If you want to use SPIFFS instead of embedded webpages, you can enable HAP_WEBSERVER_USE_SPIFFS in the HAPGlobals.hpp file. Then place your webpages into the www folder and comment the follwing lines out in src/component.mk.


To create the required partition for SPIFFS, you can use the following command:

mkspiffs -c www -b 4096 -p 256 -s 0x00C000 build/spiffs.bin

And finally upload the partition

esptool.py --chip esp32 --port  /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART --baud 2000000 write_flash -z 0x3F2800 build/spiffs.bin

Rest API

Open Endpoints

Open endpoints require no authentication.

  • none

Endpoints that require api access rights

These endpoints require basic authentication with username and password.

System Information

  • Show uptime : GET /api/uptime
  • Show heap : GET /api/heap


  • Show config : GET /api/config
  • Update config : POST /api/config

Reference time for Elgato EVE

  • Get reference time : GET /api/reftime
  • Set reference time : POST /api/reftime

Endpoints that require admin access rights

Pairing Information

  • Delete pairings : DELETE /api/pairings
  • Show setup code : GET /api/setup

Reset / Restart

  • Factory Reset : POST /api/reset
  • Restart the device : POST /api/restart

SNTP Client

To get the current time, this implementation uses SNTP. You can change the SNTP host and time zone and DST in the HAPGlobals.hpp file.

This example uses Berlin as time zone and Apple's SNTP server.

#define HAP_NTP_SERVER_URL			"time.euro.apple.com"				
#define HAP_NTP_TZ_INFO     		"WET-1WEST,M3.5.0/01:00,M10.5.0/01:00"		


To update the firmware on the device, it supports multiple ways to this.

Arduino OTA

Arduino OTA is enabled by default, but can be disabled via the file src/HAP/HAPGlobals.hpp. Have a look at the value of


The default password is secret and can be changed or disabled in the src/HAP/HAPGlobals.hpp.

Have a look at the value of

#define HAP_UPDATE_OTA_PASSWORD "secret"

To disable a password, set the value to "". You can also change the default port 3232.

Update from the web

under construction

Update via Webinterface

under construction


The hostname of a device is generated using a prefix e.g. esp32 + - and the last 3 bytes of the mac address. The prefix can be configured in the file src/HAP/HAPGlobals.hpp. Have a look at the value of

#define HAP_HOSTNAME_PREFIX "esp32"


A webserver is available for a convenient way of pairing your iOS device with a QR code. Just call https://<hostname> (see above) and scan the QR code with your device.

If you connect an SSD1331 OLED Display and enable the SSD1331 plugin, a QR code will be shown on the display until the device is paired.

Otherwise the default pin code to pair is 031-45-712.

Pairings will be stored in the nvs and can be deleted via Homekit, REST API (admin only) and make erase_flash.

Partition Table

A partitions.csv is included in the project and should be compiled and flashed once. Use make partition_table to create the partition table bin. Use make partition_table-flash to flash only the partition table. make flash will flash everything including the partition table.

The filesize of the compiled binary with debug options and without BLE is around 2MB.

There are 3 different partition tables provided:

  • 4MB
  • 8MB
  • 16MB

4MB Flash

Filename: paritions4.csv

Only one factory partition is available, therefore you have to disable all update components, such as OTA, WEB Update.

The partition table is defined as follows:

Name Type Subtype Offset Size
phy_init data phy 0xF000 4K
factory app 0x10000 3192K
nvs_key data nvs_keys 4K
nvs data nvs 32K

8MB Flash

Filename: paritions.csv

The partition table is defined as follows:

Name Type Subtype Offset Size
otadata data ota 0xD000 8K
phy_init data phy 0xF000 4K
ota_0 app ota_0 0x10000 3192K
ota_1 app ota_1 3192K
nvs_key data nvs_keys 4K
nvs data nvs 32K
keystore_0 data nvs 32K
keystore_1 data nvs 32K

16MB Flash

Filename: paritions16.csv

The partition table is defined as follows:

Name Type Subtype Offset Size
otadata data ota 0xD000 8K
phy_init data phy 0xF000 4K
ota_0 app ota_0 0x10000 6384K
ota_1 app ota_1 6384K
nvs_key data nvs_keys 4K
nvs data nvs 32K
keystore_0 data nvs 32K
keystore_1 data nvs 32K
spiffs data spiffs 2048K


Plugins are meant to provide services and characteristics to Homekit like a temperature sensor or process the values of the accessory.

Have a look at the plugins available in this folder src/HAP/plugins/.

By default, no plugin is enabled. You have to enable them yourself. You can add multiple plugin at once.

To enable a plugin, change the defines in src/HAP/HAPGlobals.hpp

#define HAP_PLUGIN_USE_LED			0



#ifndef HAP_PLUGIN_USE_SSD1331
#define HAP_PLUGIN_USE_SSD1331		0

#define HAP_PLUGIN_USE_PCA301		0





#define HAP_PLUGIN_USE_DHT			0

#define HAP_PLUGIN_USE_BME280		0	// < last digit of feature number

or add the according define at end of the file src/component.mk, for example


On-Board Button

The on-board button can be used for:

  • single press: Cycle through the different WiFi modes
  • double press: Set WiFi mode to default
  • hold: Delete config
  • long hold: Delete all pairings and delete config (Factory reset)

Indicator NeoPixel

If enabled, a NeoPixel is used for indicating which WiFi mode is currently in use.

Once online it will blink 3 times with the color green (0x00FF00) and will go off.

Defined colors for the specific WiFi mode:

  • Access Point: cyan (0x00FFFF)
  • Multi: magenta (0xFF00FF)
  • WPS: yellow (0xFFFF00)
  • SmartConfig: orange (0xFFA500)
  • BLE provisioning: blue (0x0000FF)
  • AP provisioning: purple (0x780078)


This project uses by default mbedtls and libsodium for cryptography. WolfSSL is also support but commented out in the makefile. (will be removed completely)

Used Libraries

Name Version URL
arduino 1.0.4 https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32.git
ArduinoJson v6.15.2 https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson.git
esp32_https_server v1.0.0 https://github.com/fhessel/esp32_https_server.git
QRCode v0.0.1 https://github.com/phildubach/QRCode.git
SSD_13XX aed648a0430a1cdd9c4c2512f7971b0dddaeb26f https://github.com/sumotoy/SSD_13XX
DHT-sensor-library 1.3.10 https://github.com/adafruit/DHT-sensor-library.git
Adafruit_Sensor 1.1.4 https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Sensor.git
rc-switch 2.6.3 https://github.com/sui77/rc-switch.git
ESP8266_Influx_DB 2.0.0 https://github.com/An00bIS47/ESP8266_Influx_DB.git
Adafruit_BME280 2.0.2 https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_BME280_Library.git
esp8266-oled-ssd1306 4.1.0 https://github.com/ThingPulse/esp8266-oled-ssd1306.git
ArduinoStreamUtils v1.4.1 https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoStreamUtils.git
IRremote8266 v2.7.9 https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266.git
RF24 v1.3.7 https://github.com/An00bIS47/RF24.git
FastLED 3.3.3 https://github.com/FastLED/FastLED.git


The included tests can be run via platformio.

Please change the information for your own board in the file test/config.hpp.

The you can run the following command for a complete homekit test:

pio test -e native -f "*homekit*"