AmplifyOcclusion copied to clipboard
Doesn't properly work with orthographic camera
The problem is that depth texture produced by orthographic camera is linear, not exponential like in a perspective camera. Therefore, using LinearEyeDepth
is not correct for orthographic camera.
To fix this issue you need to change GTAO.cginc
At line ~30 change from
inline half4 ConvertDepth( const half2 aUV, const half aSampledDepth )
const half viewDepth = LinearEyeDepth( aSampledDepth );
float CorrectDepth(float rawDepth)
float persp = LinearEyeDepth(rawDepth);
float ortho = (_ProjectionParams.z-_ProjectionParams.y)*(1-rawDepth)+_ProjectionParams.y;
return lerp(persp,ortho,unity_OrthoParams.w);
inline half4 ConvertDepth( const half2 aUV, const half aSampledDepth )
const half viewDepth = CorrectDepth( aSampledDepth );
Hope this helps someone.