Ampersand copied to clipboard
Strange warning: Ampersand is case-sensitive. you might have meant that the following are equal
What happened
I got the following warning from the Ampersand compiler vs. Ampersand-v4.7.1:
Unknown origin warning:
Ampersand is case-sensitive. you might have meant that the following are equal:
Relation `Aanvrager` and `aanvrager`.
The parser keeps Aanvrager
and aanvrager
apart in my source code, because Aanvrager
is a concept identifier and aanvrager
is a relation identifier. I got no parser errors, so the ADL code is fine. I traced the problem to a .xlsx-file. It contains the following data:
It is relevant to know that the source code defines
CLASSIFY Aanvrager ISA Persoon
The second column contains the concept set of Aanvrager
. If I remove this column, the warning goes away. So, the identifier Aanvrager
from cell B1 is mistakenly added to the set of relations, which results in the shown warning.
What I expected
I did not expect this warning, since everything is fine.