Ampersand copied to clipboard
The type system treats ENFORCE and RULE differently.
What happened
I am trying to compile the following program:
CONTEXT "Issue1397"
CLASSIFY Application ISA MaintainedItem
RELATION deployed[MaintainedItem*Platform]
RELATION loaded[Application*Platform]
ENFORCE loaded >: deployed
This produces an error message:
% ampersand check Issue1397.adl
Issue1397.adl:8:1 error:
Type error, cannot match:
the concept MaintainedItem (Src of deployed [MaintainedItem*Platform])
and concept Application (Src of RELATION loaded [Application*Platform] )
ExitFailure 10
The following script contains the workaround:
CONTEXT "Issue1397"
CLASSIFY Application ISA MaintainedItem
RELATION deployed[MaintainedItem*Platform]
RELATION loaded[Application*Platform]
ENFORCE loaded >: I[Application];deployed
This compiles flawlessly.
What I expected
I expected that the statement
ENFORCE loaded >: deployed
would be type checked identically to:
RULE loaded >: deployed
Version of ampersand that was used