Ampersand copied to clipboard
no such directory ./templates
What happened
I tried to compile a prototype using just the Ampersand compiler
sjo00577@BA92-VYF9TXMD9G % docker run -it --platform=linux/amd64 -v "$(pwd)":/scripts ampersandtarski/ampersand:v4.6.2 check foo.adl
This script of Foo contains no type errors.
sjo00577@BA92-VYF9TXMD9G % docker run -it --platform=linux/amd64 -v "$(pwd)":/scripts ampersandtarski/ampersand:v4.6.2 proto foo.adl
Generating frontend...
Error while reading template.
File could not be read: .proto/templates/Atomic-OBJECT.html
.proto/templates/Atomic-OBJECT.html: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
ExitFailure 130
sjo00577@BA92-VYF9TXMD9G %
What I expected
I expected this file to generate some code, because foo.adl contains no errors
Version of ampersand that was used
Ampersand-v4.6.2 [51c3de2e65c540ef026925fe8547c991765a5588:refs/tags/v4.6.2]
Perception of the problem
This might have to do something with decoupling the prototype framework with the Ampersand compiler. I can imagine that the prototype templates are no longer available when using the compiler in standalone modus. However, it would be nice that a prototype without templates was generated instead of getting an error message.