ampersand-sync copied to clipboard
dirty checking on patch?
it seems a little weird that you have to specify which fields go up when you save a model and want to patch only what has changed
Currently this will send the entire model:, {patch: true});
this will send the attributes that changed, but we have to manually specify the keys and values:{
fieldOne: 123,
fieldTwo: 123
}, {patch: true});
which is just as bad as not even using the model
request.patch('/api/users/' + model._id)
fieldOne: 123,
fieldTwo: 123
The save
method with patch:true
imitates how Backbone behaves in this scenario.
There are 2 easy options to run dirty checking:
- changes since the last set. My experience is that this doesn't work with forms that run multiple sets, as only the last change since set is saved.
if (!this.model.hasChanged()) {
return console.log('Nothing to update');
}, {patch:true));
- Have a copy of the original model before any changes, and run a diff:
initialize: function() {
this.originalModel = this.model.clone();
onSave: function() {
var changedAttrs = this.model.changedAttributes(this.originalModel.toJSON());
if (!changedAttrs || !_.size(changedAttrs)) {
return console.log('Nothing to update');
}, {patch:true));
Another option is to integrate a plugin that tracks changes since the last save, something like this one:
I tend to agree it's a lot of work to do a pretty common task
This is something that needs to be resolved on ampersand-model
. amp-sync
is just a wrapper for xhr
Is ampersand trying to improve where backbone fails or is it set on keeping failure parity?
Well played :) It doesn't change the fact that its by no means the responsibility of ampersand-sync. ampersand-sync is a function. It doesn't have instances, it doesn't have state. Calculating the difference here would be a total breach of encapsulation.
We're talking about a reasonable feature here, but a feature for ampersand-model.
The usecase might not be that common to add substantial code to ampersand-model, so IMHO the best solution would be another small requireable module that'd add the functionality to models. Totally doable.
Also @pgilad it doesn't seem like ampersand models have a .clone fn, just FYI