ADM-treeView copied to clipboard
Pure AngularJs TreeView
Pure AngularJs TreeView by ADM | Amirkabir Data Miners
Updates in V1.2.0
- Nothing changed since V1.0.1, the version upgrade is just because of npm bug.
See ADMtrv live HERE.
Implementation steps
Step 1: Install ADM-treeView
npm install adm-trv
bower install adm-trv
Step 2: Include the files in your app
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="myApp">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ADM-treeView.min.css" />
<script src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/ADM-treeView.min.js"></script>
Step 3: Inject the ADM-treeView module
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ADM-treeView']);
Step 4: Add the adm-trv directive to a DOM element
<adm-trv ng-model="model"></adm-trv>
Set options for entire of app
app.config(['ADMtrvProvider', function(ADMtrv) {
childName: 'kids',
title: '$item.mainDS.title',
trackBy: '$',
dictionary: {
noItem: ' :( '
Set options for each directive
<!-- pass options from controller -->
<adm-trv ng-model="ctrl.model1" configs="tree1Options"></adm-trv>
<!-- or write them inline -->
<adm-trv ng-model="ctrl.model1" configs="{childName: 'levels', readOnly: true}"></adm-trv>
Quick look
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childName | String | childs | Set the name of childs wrapper. (e.g. 'childs', 'categories', ...) |
title | String | $item.title | Set path to 'title'. '$item' can be ignore and path can be nested. (e.g. '$item.titleHolder1.titleHolder2.title') |
singleRoot | Boolean | False | When it's true only one main root can be add. |
readOnly | Boolean | False | This option disable add, edit and delete methods. |
selectable | Boolean | False | Add checkbox before title to enable multi selecting. |
trackBy | String | -- | For selectable mode, can be useful for finding items. '$item' can be ignore and path can be nested. (e.g. '$') |
maxDepth | Number | -- | Set maxDepth for treeView. |
direction | String | ltr | Change treeView direction. (e.g. 'ltr', 'rtl') |
dictionary | Object | (EN) | Change buttons and placeholders name upon your language. Check the Docs below. |
onKidOpen | Function | -- | Pass HTML content to show it on leaf clicking. accept both 'string' and 'promise' to fill the content. |
onAdd | Function | -- | Event on adding item to tree. Can return promise to wait for server response and add server 'id' to object. |
onEdit | Function | -- | Event on editing item. Can return promise to wait for server response. |
onDelete | Function | -- | Event on deleting item. Can return promise to wait for server response. |
onKidOpen event
In readOnly mode 'onKidOpen' event fire whenever the tree leafs clicked! You can return HTML content directly or by promise to show under leaf.
// return string
$scope.tree2_2Options = {
childName: 'categories',
readOnly: true,
onKidOpen: function(node) {
return 'The Node title is: "' + node.title + '"';
// return promise
$scope.tree2_2Options = {
childName: 'categories',
readOnly: true,
onKidOpen: function(node) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
setTimeout(function() {
deferred.resolve('The Node title is: "' + node.title + '"');
}, 2000);
return deferred.promise;
onAdd event
The 'onAdd' event fire on adding item to tree. In case you want to post each node to server on add event, you can return promise to adm-trv to add node after server response. Return value can be 'Object' or 'Boolean'.
- Boolean: adm-trv continue adding node to tree by catching 'true' value.
- Object: In case server add 'Id' to your object after inserting to DB, that might be need for further editing or deleting, adm-trv will extend client object with your returned object. Return false to avoid adding node to tree.
// return Booelan
$scope.tree3_1Options = {
childName: 'organizations',
dictionary: {
titlePlaceholder: 'A-Z only ...'
onAdd: function(parentNode, newNode, titleOnly) {
return !/[^a-zA-Z]/.test(titleOnly);
//return promise
$scope.tree3_2Options = {
childName: 'organizations',
onAdd: function(parentNode, newNode, titleOnly) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
setTimeout(function() {
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)
}, 500);
return deferred.promise;
onEdit & onDelete events
// return Booelan
$scope.tree4_1Options = {
onEdit: function (currentNode, parentNode) {
return true; // or False
onDelete: function (currentNode, parentNode) {
return true; // or False
//return promise
$scope.tree4_2Options = {
onEdit: function (currentNode, parentNode) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
setTimeout(function() {
deferred.resolve(true); // or False
}, 500);
return deferred.promise;
onDelete: function (currentNode, parentNode) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
setTimeout(function() {
deferred.resolve(true); // or False
}, 500);
return deferred.promise;
<adm-trv ng-model="ctrl.model4_1" selected="ctrl.model4_1Selected" configs="tree4_1Options"></adm-trv>
<adm-trv ng-model="ctrl.model4_2" selected="ctrl.model4_2Selected" configs="tree4_2Options"></adm-trv>
$scope.ctrl.model4_1Selected = [];
$scope.tree4_1Options = {
childName: 'bAghAlies',
selectable: true
$scope.ctrl.model4_2Selected = [];
$scope.tree4_2Options = {
childName: 'bAghAlies',
title: '$item.mainBAghAliDS.title',
trackBy: '$',
selectable: true
$scope.tree5_1Options = {
childName: 'golAbies',
dictionary: {
noItem: 'No golAbi! :(',
titlePlaceholder: 'Type ...',
rootAddBtn: 'Add main golAbi',
confirmBtn: 'YES',
cancelBtn: 'NO'
$scope.tree5_2Options = {
childName: 'golAbies',
direction: 'rtl',
dictionary: {
noItem: 'موردی وجود ندارد!',
titlePlaceholder: 'عنوان ...',
rootAddBtn: 'افزودن',
confirmBtn: 'تایید',
cancelBtn: 'انصراف'