ADCountryPicker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ADCountryPicker copied to clipboard

ADCountryPicker is a country picker controller for iOS8+ with an option to search. Provides country name, ISO 3166 country code, and international calling codes.


ADCountryPicker is a country picker controller for iOS8+ with an option to search. The list of countries is based on the ISO 3166 country code standard ( Also and the library includes a set of 250 public domain flag images.

The picker provides:

  • Country Names
  • Country codes - ISO 3166
  • International Dialing Codes
  • Flags


alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag

*Note: current location is determined from the current region of the iPhone


ADCountryPicker is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:

Swift 4 >:

 pod 'ADCountryPicker', '~> 2.1.0'

Swift 3:

pod 'ADCountryPicker', '~> 1.0.5'

Push ADCountryPicker from UIViewController

let picker = ADCountryPicker(style: .grouped)
navigationController?.pushViewController(picker, animated: true)

Present ADCountryPicker from UIViewController

let picker = ADCountryPicker()
let pickerNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: picker)
self.present(pickerNavigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)

ADCountryPicker properties

/// delegate
picker.delegate = self

/// Optionally, set this to display the country calling codes after the names
picker.showCallingCodes = true

/// Flag to indicate whether country flags should be shown on the picker. Defaults to true
picker.showFlags = true
/// The nav bar title to show on picker view
picker.pickerTitle = "Select a Country"
/// The default current location, if region cannot be determined. Defaults to US
picker.defaultCountryCode = "US"

/// Flag to indicate whether the defaultCountryCode should be used even if region can be deteremined. Defaults to false
picker.forceDefaultCountryCode = false

/// The text color of the alphabet scrollbar. Defaults to black
picker.alphabetScrollBarTintColor =
/// The background color of the alphabet scrollar. Default to clear color
picker.alphabetScrollBarBackgroundColor = UIColor.clear
/// The tint color of the close icon in presented pickers. Defaults to black
picker.closeButtonTintColor =
/// The font of the country name list
picker.font = UIFont(name: "Helvetica Neue", size: 15)
/// The height of the flags shown. Default to 40px
picker.flagHeight = 40
/// Flag to indicate if the navigation bar should be hidden when search becomes active. Defaults to true
picker.hidesNavigationBarWhenPresentingSearch = true
/// The background color of the searchbar. Defaults to lightGray
picker.searchBarBackgroundColor = UIColor.lightGray

ADCountryPickerDelegate protocol

func countryPicker(picker: ADCountryPicker, didSelectCountryWithName name: String, code: String) {

func countryPicker(picker: ADCountryPicker, didSelectCountryWithName name: String, code: String, dialCode: String) {


// or closure
picker.didSelectCountryClosure = { name, code in

picker.didSelectCountryWithCallingCodeClosure = { name, code, dialCode in

Supporting Functions

/// Returns the country flag for the given country code
/// - Parameter countryCode: ISO code of country to get flag for
/// - Returns: the UIImage for given country code if it exists
let flagImage =  picker.getFlag(countryCode: code)

/// Returns the country name for the given country code
/// - Parameter countryCode: ISO code of country to get dialing code for
/// - Returns: the country name for given country code if it exists
let countryName =  picker.getCountryName(countryCode: code)

/// Returns the country dial code for the given country code
/// - Parameter countryCode: ISO code of country to get dialing code for
/// - Returns: the dial code for given country code if it exists
let dialingCode =  picker.getDialCode(countryCode: code)


Amila Dimantha, [email protected]

Core based on work of @mustafaibrahim989


Designed for iOS 8+.


ADCountryPicker is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.