gothic-1-community-patch copied to clipboard
Shrat has obsolete dialogs about help to join the Swamp Camp
Shrat has obsolete dialog choices about help join to Brotherhood.
this option should be avalaible if player has still guild NONE.
FUNC int DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero,DIA_Shrat_WhyHere))
return 1;
FUNC void DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_Info()
AI_Output (other, self,"DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_15_00"); //Chciałbym dołączyć do Bractwa. Możesz mi pomóc?
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_02_01"); //Chcesz tu zamieszkać? A ja zastanawiam się właśnie jak stąd uciec!
AI_Output (self, other,"DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_02_02"); //Moglibyśmy przemierzyć całą kolonię, odciążyć kilku frajerów z ich gotówki, zebrać trochę rudy - co ty na to?
changed to
FUNC int DIA_Shrat_JoinPSI_Condition()
if (Npc_KnowsInfo(hero,DIA_Shrat_WhyHere))
&& (Npc_GetTrueGuild(hero) == GIL_NONE)
return 1;
I marked it as opinionated, because disabling that dialog option will prevent any other (chapter independent) dialog with that NPC.
PS: This could also have severe consequences if a mod adds new subsequent dialogs that would be inaccessible and possibly block story progression.