Aleksander Molak
Aleksander Molak
> PR in early Jan sounds good! Great, adding to the calendar and will keep you posted. > We can consider adding a simple check, but the concern was computational...
Hi @amit-sharma I am going back to this topic now. I want to give one more argument for us to consider before we start working on this. When using EconML...
Thanks for the questions @emrekiciman, thanks for clarifying @amit-sharma Sounds good! Do we expect to experience similar scenario with other DoWhy estimators (beyond the above-mentioned `distance_matching`) @amit-sharma (I see you...
@amit-sharma, clear, I am back now and I'll start working on this next week.
@amit-sharma, I updated most of the estimators. Do we have a document with testing guidelines for DoWhy somewhere?
Thank you @amit-sharma Most code changes are ready. As you suggested - I'll add new test cases. I'll be able to get back to this ~2nd half of April. Will...
Hi @amit-sharma I need to reschedule this contribution to mid/late May. I'll keep you posted.
Hi @amit-sharma I have a question regarding the linters and formatting. The [contribution guide]( recommends using `flake8`, `black` and `isort` to keep the code standards. When I run them (according...
Thanks for clarifying, @amit-sharma I understand from what you said, that I should run all the formatting before committing. Is that correct?
Thanks for clarifying, @amit-sharma, I'll continue this way.