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Getting the weather forecast never has been so easy


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Getting the weather forecast never has been so easy and it supports 5 different services. It returns the raw json so you can easily get the data you need.

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AFWeather is available on CocoaPods so you can get it by adding this line to your Podfile:

pod 'AFWeather', '~> 1.0'

If you don't use CocoaPods, you will have to import these files into your project:


##Services supported

Service name Place name/Zip code Coordinates AFWeather name
World Weather Online :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: AFWeatherAPIWorldWeatherOnline
Weather Undeground :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: AFWeatherAPIWeatherUnderground
Open Weather Map :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: AFWeatherAPIOpenWeatherMap
AccuWeather :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: AFWeatherAPIAccuWeather :no_entry_sign: :white_check_mark: AFWeatherAPIForecast


First of all, make sure that you have imported the main class into the class where you are going to get the weather information.

#import "AFWeather.h"

###Configuring the client

In order to make AFWeather know what service are you using and what's your API key, use the method -configureClientWithService:withAPIKey:. Example:

[[AFWeather sharedClient]configureClientWithService:AFWeatherAPIForecast withAPIKey:@"myawesomeapikey"];

###Getting the forecast from a city name or Zip code

For this, use -fetchForecastOfLocationWithName:andCompletionBlock:


    [[AFWeather sharedClient]fetchForecastOfLocationWithName:@"Murcia" andCompletionBlock:^(NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {

			// Handle the response dictionary with all the information
        } else {
        	//Handle the error

###Getting the forecast from the coordinates

You can also use the latitude and the longitude instead of the place name.

    [[AFWeather sharedClient]fetchForecastOfLocationWithLatitude:@"121.518446" andLogitude:@"-26.181156" andCompletionBlock:^(NSDictionary *response, NSError *error) {
        if (!error) {

			// Handle the response dictionary with all the information
        } else {
        	//Handle the error

##License AFWeather is under MIT license so feel free to use it!

##Author Made by Alvaro Franco. If you have any question, feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]