Alturos.Yolo copied to clipboard
How to fix about System.DllNotFoundException: DLL 'x64\yolo_cpp_dll_cpu.dll'
My cuda is 10.2. I don't know how to solve the problem.
I had the same issue. The YoloWrapper fails because it only looks at old versions of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. You can disable the check in YoloWrapper or create a fake key in regedit with version matching version
@tarnow74 How to create a fake key in regedit with version matching version.
I have the same issue in a Unity Project. I imported NuGet in Unity and there i downloaded the Alturos.Yolo package.
I can import it with "using Alturos.Yolo;" but
private const string dir = "some_dir/";
YoloWrapper yoloWrapper = new YoloWrapper(
dir + "yolov3-tiny.cfg",
dir + "yolov3-tiny.weights",
dir + "obj.names");
will throw the following error in Unity:
DllNotFoundException: x64\yolo_cpp_dll_cpu.dll
Alturos.Yolo.YoloWrapper.Initialize (System.String configurationFilename, System.String weightsFilename, System.String namesFilename, System.Int32 gpu, System.Boolean ignoreGpu, System.Boolean ignoreCPlusPlusDetection) (at <c1145b2e40d94aa698b77003ce86b059>:0)
Alturos.Yolo.YoloWrapper..ctor (System.String configurationFilename, System.String weightsFilename, System.String namesFilename, System.Int32 gpu, System.Boolean ignoreGpu) (at <c1145b2e40d94aa698b77003ce86b059>:0)
Yolo..ctor () (at Assets/Yolo.cs:9)
UnityEditorInternal.InternalEditorUtility:InspectorWindowDrag(Object[], Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
However my downloaded package in Assets/Package does not include a x64 file and neither that dll.
I tried to copy the build folder i get with ".\nuget.exe install Alturos.Yolo" in my Unity project but that doesnt work.
Can anyone help me with this? Ty. Greetings Felix
go to Nvidia CuDNN and download Download cuDNN v7.6.5 (November 18th, 2019), for CUDA 10.2 you need