Altair Bueno

Results 43 comments of Altair Bueno

Any updates on this? The last link jolo published is down. I agree .p10k.zsh does a good job on self explaining everything but it's kinda hard to get started. p10k...

Oh i see. Can't help much with the docs, i'm unfamiliar with the config options. I just can offer some ideas. #### In the meantime From what i've read @romkatv...

Oh i didn't know p10k had Gitter. I must have passed by. To be fair it's not the most obvious link on the README 😅 About Discussions vs Issues differences...

Sure np! What works best is what you like the most. I just wanted to come by and brainstorm a little. This issue caught my attention while looking for the...

> This is the kind of feedback that provides value to me. You are describing your experience and issues you encounter while using powerlevel10k. Can you provide more info? Sure!...

> ...could be to patch all the syntax definitions... That sounds like a lot of work to do and maintain. Today I came up with a faisable solution based on...

Samuelmeuli had a similar app called [Glance]( on the Mac Appstore. The repo is now archived because he is working at Apple. There shouldn't be any problem if the app...

Have you considered getting a developer certificate and publishing the app as paid? Quicklook is one of the best tools on macOS yet not many developers add support. Im sure...

Just taking a sit and supporting this idea. I'll love to port all my .md notes from Typora to this app, but live preview its a must have. Im pretty...

Not related @valentinocossar , but how do you make the preview appear on the right side? im looking my settings and i cannot find anything like that