Alsan Wong
Alsan Wong
Totally agree! Yes, I didn't beware of the dialog message too much, and that's my fault, but select some file and click on an operation button should perform the operation...
sorry, how you solve the problem?
ok, after some investigation, i found that mine is installed at `/system/xbin/box`. Might be it's due to I'm using Android 10 and v1.80 release of this app. ```bash # /system/xbin...
+1 for such doc.
This works, but all files persisted are 403 or 404 replies from the upstream, no regular 200 replies, or the expected downloadable internet objects. What else I'm missing?
Ok, I see. Is there anyway I can make it work as expected? I need it to cache everything, so that I can copy the cached object to offline server...
ok, I'v changed to `supernode -p 5000 -f -vvv`, then do a ping from edge2 to edge1, and I can see the log for edge2 is running in per second...
> Does edge1 connect to the supernode, i.e. does it show a line [OK] Edge Peer > Super Node at the beginning of the log? Yes, both edge 1 and...
I just do the same test this morning in my home, and all the ping and ssh are worked just fine. So, the real problem is in my office network....