David Härdeman

Results 32 issues of David Härdeman

As discussed in https://github.com/debops/debops/pull/2295, dbconfig-no-thanks will disable dbconfig on a system-wide basis. This patch implements a more fine-grained approach by disabling dbconfig only for select packages.

This patchset brings the Grub configuration up to date with current kernel parameters and Grub default configuration file options. Also, a bunch of cleanups to the fact script, template and...

Some minor fixes for the `bind` role.

The pam-auth-update doesn't support comments and gets confused by the stray "Auth-Type: Primary" line, which causes some scary looking console spam whenever pam-auth-update is executed.

The ``postgresql_server`` role could do with some information about how to do an upgrade...e.g. from ``bullseye`` (version 13) to ``bookworm`` (version 15). In essence, the steps I had to were...

The setup.py file comments: https://github.com/debops/debops/blob/5abfaafd6ae5dc2c6677d3f30a083c048f113bca/setup.py#L10 indicate that for development, you should run `pip3 install --user --editable .` Similar instructions are provided [here](https://docs.debops.org/en/master/introduction/install.html). Since `bookworm`, PEP668 has been implemented, meaning that...

Just putting this here as a reminder (doesn't affect Debian stable, so not a real issue yet). The `auth` role wants to install the [libpam-cracklib](https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/libpam-cracklib) package, which doesn't exist in...

Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR) allows devices on the network to discover encrypted DNS resolvers, which has so far required either manual configuration or other approaches (like `systemd-resolved`'s "opportunistic" mode)....

This PR adds IPv6 support to mdns-repeater. I've broken it out into a long list of patches which kind of track the history of rewriting the daemon. In the process...