David Härdeman
David Härdeman
As noted in issue #2147, roles which create custom ``/etc/cron.d/`` crontabs with non-root users might end up not generating any emails on failure at all (since the user might not...
This: https://github.com/debops/debops/blob/d7130bace17833ae72abaad4c752c6fe10f23058/ansible/roles/postldap/defaults/main.yml#L341-L362 results in a `/etc/postfix/ldap_virtual_forward_maps.cf` file which looks something like this: ``` # This file is managed remotely, all changes will be lost # The virtual_forward_maps setting is used...
`icinga_web` has two configuration parameters: ``` icinga_web__fqdn: 'icinga.{{ icinga_web__domain }}' icinga_web__node_fqdn: '{{ ansible_fqdn }}' ``` Which gives the impression that one could install the web interface on `test.example.com` and point...
@drybjed : PR #1988 and #1989 sought to make the dependency on ``cron`` softer by relying on the ``debops.cron`` role (which can then install ``systemd-cron``). I'd been working on something...
In `debops.slapd`, the cipher suite is currently set to: ``` slapd__tls_cipher_suite: 'SECURE256:PFS:-VERS-SSL3.0:-VERS-TLS-ALL:+VERS-TLS1.2:-SHA1:-ARCFOUR-128' ``` From my understanding from the [GnuTLS manual](https://gnutls.org/manual/html_node/Priority-Strings.html), `SECURE256:PFS` doesn't really seem to be a valid prefix...but `GnuTLS`...
Starting from @ypid's draft in PR #835 and hacking for a week, I reworked the draft version of the role to properly integrate it with other DebOps roles, making the...
The first two commits are bugfixes to the "ldap" lookup, the third commit improves the default handling of the alternate lookup scripts. Closes: #2384
The default configuration of systemd-networkd has already changed from Bullseye to Bookworm. It used to look like this in Bullseye: [Network] #SpeedMeter=no #SpeedMeterIntervalSec=10sec #ManageForeignRoutes=yes [DHCP] #DUIDType=vendor #DUIDRawData= And now it...
This allows get-uuid.yml to be executed with the object DN as a cmdline argument. Also, speed up the execution by gathering the absolute minimum amount of facts.
molly-guard is currently installed by default by the sshd role. On machines using dracut (not default), molly-guard will unfortunately mean that a reboot is no longer possible, see: https://bugs.debian.org/992351 This...