steam-market-api-v2 copied to clipboard
Get Sent Offers request not working
Good day sir!
Get Sent Offers only response with 'Maximum (20) redirects followed' with code 302.
my code is here, cookie is fresh and can work on another api
$api = new SteamApi();
$options = [
'history' => false,
$cookies = 'sessionid=be27b8b9f***************************; steamCountry=AU%7C7351f12ac46571***************************; steamLoginSecure=76561198956***************************;';
The Response is here
"request_headers" => [
"Host" => ""
"Accept" => "*/*"
"Cookie" => "sessionid=be27b8b9f***************************; steamCountry=AU%7C7351f12ac46571***************************; steamLoginSecure=76561198956***************************;"
"response_headers" => []
"url" => "*******%2Ftradeoffers%2Fsent%3Fhistory%3D"
"code" => 302
"message" => "Found"
"error" => "Maximum (20) redirects followed"
"cookies" => []
"remote_ip" => ""
"local_ip" => ""
"total_time" => "14868"
"response" => false
@Allyans3 I saw your answer in issue #17 . You mentioned that the history of offers has been broken. Is this issue caused by that reason?
If you have any suggestions for obtaining trade offer statuses, I would greatly appreciate it.